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Alright- hey there!

This is another 'novel' (not really) that I've decided to start.
It basically just involves funny Classic rock moments, reasons why our fandom is the best (obviously), and a little bit about me!

*inserts 'the more you know' caption above rainbow*

Okay, well, I'm a Classic rock fanatic- Steven Tyler is my husband, David Bowie is my spirit animal, Joe Perry is my inner goddess- heh- and Axl Rose is my best friend.

So, yeah. Haha. I like StarWars- for the record. I basically live in the past.

I would love to live in Boston during the mid 60s - 70s

Enough about me- ew go away 'author.'

Haha, so- hopefully you'll enjoy this collection of randomness I call life.

Feel free to comment, share and vote- leave suggestions or points why our fandom is amazing : )

Rock on~


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