Chapter 3 - Join Us?

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"Bye Nia!" I waved along with Paige and Maddie. Nia had to leave, her mom called and said her dad's aunt had arrived and she was demanding to see her 'lovely grand-niece Nia', as Nia told us scathingly. Poor Nia.

Nia left, and I was hanging out with the two most popular girls in our school.

"So Kendall. You know, Mads and I have been talking. About you." Paige said, and my stomach dropped. This could either be really, really good or really, really bad.

"About me?" I question nervously.

"We have decided that you're too good for your group, the beauties." Maddie informed me.

"Too good?" My voice almost quavers.

"Yes. I mean, you're prettier, smarter, and quite frankly, you're perfect material. You're already our best friend, and we want you to join us- we can be a three!" Paige beamed at Maddie, who continued.

"Do you get it?"

"What? You want me in your group?"

"I knew she'd get it! So, KK, what do you say?"

My heart really stopped, I swear. Never in a million years would I have thought that perfect Maddie and perfect Paige would practically ask me to become perfect Kendall. They sat, smiling at me expectantly.

"Of course! I'd love to!" I say. Who wouldn't? Would you really deny that kind of opportunity?

They both hugged me, and then Maddie walked into her closet and came out holding three boxes.

"Best Friends Forever bracelets! Paige and I had them done." Maddie hands out the boxes. Mine says 'Forever' on the front, and 'Kendall, Maddie & Paige' on the back.

Paige had 'Friends' on hers with 'Paige, Maddie & Kendall' on the back. Maddie's said 'Best' and 'Maddie, Kendall & Paige'.

We put on our bracelets and admire the pretty silver chain and dainty bells against our tan skins.

"I love it, Thankyou!" I thank them. It's the best present I've ever had. But I can't help but feel that this bracelet represents everything I must be in order to hang with them.

And that my dear, is perfect.


"How was the sleepover, honey?" Mom asked, as I hopped in the car.

"Awesome, mom! Look what Maddie and Paige gave me!" I jingled my bracelet.

"Aw, honey, that's so kind of them! I'm glad you're good friends with them. Your current group are all looks, no books." Mom explained. Well well, Mom, they aren't my current group any more...

"So, Kendall K, I think today's a shopping kind of day, don't you?" Mom said. Perfect. It was almost time for back to school, and I need new clothes to keep up with Mads and Paige.

"Thanks, mom!"

Once we'd arrived at the mall, mom and I went straight to starbucks to grab mom a coffee and me a latte.

'Jill!" One of mom's friends friends called out.

"Hey, Trinity!" Mom beamed. I kind of zoned out while they were talking, and just stared at my new bracelet.

"Kendall, I'm having coffee with Trinity, is it ok if I give you my credit card and you buy your clothes? Go wild, honey, but not too wild." Mom winked and handed me her card. Sucker. Mom had always been that mom that reckoned she was a 'fun mom'. It has its perks.


After at least 2 hours of hardcore shopping, mom finally joined me and we indulged in a mani-pedi session.

"Thanks so much mom, I had a great time!"

"No problem, honey. Sorry I didn't help choose. But what type of pretty 16 year old needs her mom shopping with her?" Mom joked.

"Mom! I'm 15, my 16th isn't till-" I was cut off.

"-Oh, Kendall, I've booked a party planner for your sweet 16 for the Thursday after you start school again, and I thought you could ask Maddie and Paige to help you, since they had such great 16ths too, remember?" Of course I remembered, I was there for both of 'em.

"Thanks mom! I'm sure Mads and Paigey'll love to come."


"YES YES YES! Wait, emergency sleepover at.... yours? We need to see your new clothes, plus we've got some stuff for you. Ask your mom!" Maddie squealed through my phone. I put my phone on my bed and asked mom.

"She said sure!"

"Kay, KK, I'm calling Paige. We'll be there in ten. Kisses!" Maddie hung up.

True to Maddie's words, Paige and her showed up ten minutes later, laden with shopping bags.I watched them heave them out of Maddie's silver Mercedes and to my door. I skipped down the stairs.

"Hey, Kendall!" Paige air kissed me, "I forgot you had such a nice house!" Paige swooped apon my mom and hugged her.

"Hello Jill! Thanks for having us!" Paige heaved her bag and shopping upstairs.

"KK!" Maddie beamed and gave me a squeeze.

"Jill!" Maddie also gave my mom a squeeze and thanked her. I helped her carry her stuff upstairs to my room.

"So our sleepover last night was so fun! I'm so glad you came!" Maddie giggled and I giggled with her. She had that type of infectious laugh. We reached my room, where Paige was lounging on my double bed with the pretty whitle silken covers.

"KK, d'ya wanna see your clothes we got you?" Paige asked lazily.

"Duh!" Maddie and Paige tipped the bags onto my bed. It was now covered in pretty clothes, from short shorts to maxi dresses, and crop tops to swinsuits.

"Wow, thanks so much guys!"

"It's no biggie." Maddie said airily.

If You Can't Beat Them, Join Them // Kendall VertesWhere stories live. Discover now