Chapter 5 - Pool Party and JUMP

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  • Dedicated to My Dance Rehab Teacher, Miss Rachel

Dance was over, and we were at Maddie's. It was comp tomorrow.

"Is everything perfect? Like moi?" Paige joked.

"Maccaroni!" I pretended to be shocked, using Paige's baby nickname.

"So the caterers are seting up now, and it's all decorated, it will be fun!" Maddie explains to us.

"Great! When does everyone arrive?" Paige asked.

"In about 10."

Ten minutes later

Ding Dong!

People came flooding to Maddie's house. It was ensured there were no gatecrasher whatsoever.

One everyone was there, Paige linked to Maddie's left arm and I to her right.

"So, Kendall, we are making an entrance. Ready?" Maddie asked. Of course I was I'd seen them do it plently of times with Chloe in my place.

We walk into the yard and we're hailed by people. The music is pumping, people are in the pool, playing games, everything. Every popular group was there.


3 hours later, and half the people were drunk. Paige tottered around, clutching a vodka bottle, her bikini half falling off. Like any good friend, I wrapped a towel round her and put her in a spare room to sleep it off. When I come back, some girl is table dancing.

"Sweet baby back ribs." I whistled lowly.

"I know, it's bit over the top." Oliver walks next to me and I feel chills. He's wearing boardies so I can fully admire his toned torso. Oliver wraps his arms around me.

"You look cold, wanna go inside?" But before I could answer he leads me to a living room.

I expect him to say something, but all he does is lean in, and eventually we kiss passionately.

I roll on top of him.

"Kendall?" My older sister, Ryleigh, of all people, walks in.

"Kendall!" She grabs my arm and drags me off Oliver, then sends him packing.

"You are fifteen!" She screeches.

"You don't know what you just ruined!" I yell back.

"I'm so telling Mom!" She yells back.

"Fine, tell her, but if you do, I'll tell her what you and Brandon did when YOU were fifteen!" I say dangerously.

"You wouldn't!"

"Oh, I would. Why're you here anyway?" I ask, once I'm certain she won't spill to anyone.

"Mom wanted me to drop off your comp stuff cause Melissa's taking you."

"Thanks." I muttered.

We said our goodbyes.


"Abby would've flipped!" Paige was saying. Luckily she'd gone to bed so early, she just passed as sober. This was the comp after nationals and we'd won, we needed to keep that up.

We were all ready for comp. Maddie had a solo, as did I- that along with the group.

Once we arrived at ALDC, we hopped onto the bus.


After the non-eventful ride we arrived at JUMP dance competition. We filed out, to screaming fans and such, and went to our dressing room.

"The solos first, girls get in your costumes." Abby barked.

Me and Maddie got into our costumes. Mine was a snazzy red two piece for a jazz number, while Maddie had a simple white tutu with rosebuds on for ballet along with her pointe shoes.

"Okay, I want you to kill it, girls. Kendall, look like a broadway babe, Maddie, look like you just stepped out of Joeffery. Go."

Maddie and I linked arms and walked backstage. To be completely honest, I knew Mads would win. A pointe solo, when done right, is streets ahead of a jazz solo.

Maddie went on, and of course she nailed every rise and relevé en pointe. She joined me backstage and watched a few more girls, until it was my go. I went onstage, and butterflies like I've never had before coursed through my stomach.

I started, and the butterflies flew away. Everything was perfect. Until I came to my double jeté. Easy for me, usually. And it was. I did it, and then my mind went blank.

What to do?

My face felt totally blank, before I recovered and did the rest of it. I ran backstage and into Maddie's arms.

"Shhhhhh, don't worry, it wasn't even that noticeable!" She consoled.

"B-but I just can't believe I forgot it!" I choke out.

"Trust me, it's easy." Paige said grimly, joining our hug.

We hurried back to the dressing room.

"Kendall, you're 15, 16 soon. Don't blubber like a baby." Abby quipped.

"Sorry Miss Abby." I replied meekly.

"Kendall, you are forgetting it wasn't that noticeable." Miss Abby said, "You acted professional, until you ruined it by crying backstage."

She moved away to sing Maddie's praises.

I felt pleased with this; I was expecting more anger.


Once we were ready, we got into our costumes for the group, a saucy jazz number entitled "I Like It" that had me, Maddie, Paige, Nia and Brooke in it.

We went out and nailed the number. We were saucy, had good technique, and were fierce, or so Miss Abby insisted.

We arrived on the stage for awards. We listened half heartedly until they started on Maddie and my category.

"In 3rd place is Kendall from the Abby Lee Dance Company, also taking the title for 'Miss Teen Jazz' for today." I accepted the awards and crown. Everyone clapped, the ALDC went crazy and I smiled. It was better than I expected. A title?

"In 2nd place is Autumn from Mathers Dance Company, taking the 'Miss Teen Personality' as well. " Autumn smiled at me and stood next to me.

"And in first place, with the highest score this competition, is Maddie from the Abby Lee Dance Company, also taking the title of 'Miss Teen Classical' for today. Congratulations Maddie!" Maddie accepted her awards and crown, and stood, beaming, next to Autumn and I.

We all sat back down and patiently awaited awards. We weren't called for first or second, until we were called for first place.


After the awards, Abby whooped about a 'clean sweep', and we left on the bus back to Pittsburg. Maddie, Paige and I were sleeping over at Paige's tonight.

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