Chapter 11

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"Maddie, did you say where Chloe lived?" I asked, hoping she wouldn't blow up.

Maddie turned to me, an extremely calculating expression set on her face.


Why? Er, well you see Maddie, I want to visit Chloe to question her about what happened all those years back.

"I was wondering. My cousin is moving in a nearby town and I want to know I it's Chloe's..."

Just to let you know, my cousins aren't actually moving to a nearby town.

"Well, she's in Cleveland, Ohio." Spat Maddie, skaking her head. I almost jumped for joy. That was just over two hours away!

But how was I supposed to find her there?

"No! That's where they're moving!" I faked horror pretty well, if I say so myself.

Maddie smirked. "Poor things."

But I had a plan.

I pull out my phone and begin mimicking texting.

"I need to ask them if they'll be near her, though..." I gazed at Maddie expectantly.

"Its somewhere called Lakewood. She goes to St. Edward High. If they move to that area, get them to tell you all the Chloe gossip."

Score one for Kendall. Chloe lives in Lakewood, Cleveland and goes to St. Edward High.

Road trip, anyone?


"So, what are you doing on Saturday?" Asks Maddie, turning to me during History class. It's my last period on a Friday- the last period is a free period for me, which means I'm leaving early.

"I've got heaps of errands to run for mom. I called her a bitch, and now I'm doing the time."

Maddie snorted. Truth be told, I told mom I had a date, but that if Maddie rang, to tell her I was doing errands.

But actual truth be told, I'm driving to Lakewood in Cleveland, to see the infamous Chloe Lukasiak.

"Okay, you do your errands," she says, mildly amused. "Sunday, it's my house at 10 am, and then it's shopping time. Is that cool?"

"Definitely," I agreed readily, smiling.

"Good. Two piece playsuits are in right now and we both need some, stat."

The class was dismissed, and Maddie and I automatically shoved our books into our bags.

We walked out of the class, until we reached the carpark, since Maddie had a free period too. "Seeya, chica. Text me!"

"I will. Bye!"

We turned our separate ways and I breathed a sigh of relief. Now it was time to get down to business.


I stood in my room, staring at myself. I was wearing black leggings, black knee high boots, and a tight black sweater. My hair tumbled down my shoulders in loose curls and to be frank, I looked like I was about to be an extra in Spy Kids.

"See you soon mom!" I said, rushing down the stairs and to my car.

She called a goodbye which I didn't bother to listen to.

I started driving, following the directions that my phone's GPS told me, and a two hours later, I was driving around Lakewood- St Edward High in particular.

I'd looked at their website, and there was a football game on that night. I'd also looked at their cheerleading team, and sure enough, Chloe was in the pictures.

So I put two and two together, and that's why I'm parking my car next to heaps of St. Edward students, all dressed for the game.

Yes, I know, I went to a lot of effort, but I had questions, and I also had time.

I was walking, my eyes trained on the path, desperately trying to look inconspicuous.

"Hey, babe!"

I looked up, and sure enough, the comment was directed at me.

"Hey," I said dryly, "what do you want?"

"Your name," said the guy. He looked like your typical good-looking jock, wearing his football team jacket and all that, but his arm was in a sling, so I could only guess that he wasn't playing tonight because of that.

"Kendall Vertes," I said, "and you?"

"Owen Smith," he smirked at me, "how come I haven't seen you around?"

"I don't go here, sorry honey. I'm just here to see Chloe Lukasiak."

"Chloe?" He gave me a look.

"Yeah, Chloe. Can you take me to her?" I bat my lashes, and he complied.

He lead me to the field, and took me to the side lines, where the cheerleaders sat. Among them was Chloe. I felt a sense of thrill in my stomach. Gotcha.

"Thanks," I told Owen, reaching up to kiss his cheek. "See you round."

I left him before he could say anything else.

It was really intimidating walking up to Chloe and her cheer team, but I remembered I was one of the popular girls at Franklin Regional High, and that I had the upper hand over Chloe- I could bet half of them didn't know what had happened back in Pittsburgh.

Chloe stared at me; all of them did.

"Chloe." I said confidently.

"Kendall?" her eyes flashed with something that could've been fear of apprehension.

"You're performing at half time, right?"

"Yeah," she said, looking a little more confident.

"Great. Then we have time to talk."

She looked half annoying and half scared.

"Well? Come on!" I said impatiently.

She followed me until we were some distance away from her team.

"Well? What is it?" Chloe said nervously.

I put one hand on my hip and took a deep breath.

It's now or never, Kendall.


yes ppl I updated


tysm for all the lovely comments and votes!

keep 'em coming and I'll update again!

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