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(Sam's POV)

As I walked back into the house I walked over to Emily and gave her a kiss. When we were done talking for awhile I walked back into the dinning room and got all these questions shot at me.

''Why does Quil get to get off patrol?'', ''What's so important that he cant do his shifts?'', "Did he imprint?!", ''Who is going to cover for him?''

''Settle down!'' I said in my alpha voice. ''Quil has some important family business that he has to take care of. He said he would let us know about it later today or some time soon. In the mean time we all will be covering his shifts. Paul, Embry, and I will patrol mondays, wednesdays, and fridays. Jacob, you, Leah and Collin will patrol on tuesdays, thursdays, and saturdays this week. We will go back to before when Quil comes back. Got it?"

They nodded their heads and went back to having their side conversations. Jacob came up to me, "Is something wrong with Quil or is that all he told you?"

"Sorry Jacob, that's all he would tell me." He nodded his head and walked back to the table and started talking with the rest of the pack. I went and found Emily on the couch reading her book. I sat down next to her and we started talking.

(Rachel's POV)

''Ok well Quil should be home soon so im going to head out. You going to be ok by yourself for awhile?" Dad asked me as he grabbed his coat and the keys to the car.

''Ya I should be fine.''

''Ok well if you need anything Sue's number is on the table. Call me if you go anywhere before i get home. Ok?''

''Ok and dad?''


"Ive really missed you.''

"Ive really missed you too." He said with a big smile on his face.

He hugged me goodbye and left. After awhile of sitting in the house alone I went out on the porch because I didnt feel right being in a house that i havent been in forever.

Five minutes after I walked outside Quil walked up.

''Hey what are you doing out here?''

''I didnt feel right being inside someone elses home by myself'' I told him.

''Why? You live here now.''

''No I dont. I just came here to see you guys, not move in. Im old enough that i can live by myself. So after dad gets home and we catch up I will be off trying to find another place to live.''

''Oh no you are living here because your my sister and your only 16, you cant live by your self!''

''You have no idea what I have been through! I think I can handle living alone!'' By now we were shouting at each other.

''I never said you couldnt! But if you just told me then maybe i could help.'' He said a bit calmer now.

''I cant and if i could you wouldnt understand anyway!'' I started to shake uncontrolably.

''I bet I would if you just told me!'' He started yelling again. I had to do everything I could not to do what I have been trying to keep in.

''You really wanna know?! Just keep making me mad and you will find out!''

''Just tell me! you cant keep thing bottled up forever! i mean i am family i deserve to know!''

I couldnt hold it in any longer. I exploded into my wolf form. No has ever seen me in my wolf before. my wolf is pure white with one black spot on the tip of my tail.Quil had a shocked look on his face which then turned to anger. All of a sudden he exploded into a wolf and started to growl at me standing his ground. He was just like me but the exact opposite. All of a sudden I just started hearing a voice in my head. Nothing like that has ever happened to me.

''Rachel I told you I would understand anything that you had to tell me!'' he growled at me.

''Im sorry, I just thought I was the only one that was like this. I didnt want you or any one to hate me for what i am.'' I told him bowing my head.

''Well your not. We both are not.''

'' What do you mean by 'we'

''Ok lets go meet some people.'' He said ignoring my question all together.

''Wait that doesnt answer my question. Unless,'' I said thinking.''Are they like us?'' I said rushing my words out.

''Yes they are and trust me you are ganna love them the are like my brothers.''

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We started walking down the rode next to the forest when I asked,''Why dont we run? Maybe we can see which twin is faster.'' Right as the words left my mouth i covered it with my hand sharing at him in shock at what i just said.

''Which twin?!'' he asked me shocked. He started to shake.

''Shit I thought you already knew.'' I said as I tried to calm him down.

He was close to phasing right about now. I started to back away from him,"Quil. Calm down.." I kept saying over and over again.

''DON'T. TELL. ME. TO. CALM. DOWN.'' He growled at me shaking uncontrolably.

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Sorry for all the shortness in my chapters but i just feel thats the best place to stop them you know? plus im having alot of writers block and im trying to put more detail into the story, i mean this is still my only story but i do hope that you like it.

Please comment and vote. i will upload again soon hopefully but like i said i am having writers block and also im so busy lately that i just cant find any time to write. Hope you like it! =P

Twins? Who knew?(Jacob Black Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now