Denae P.O.V

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When I finally pulled myself together and got dressed I went to the hospital to go see Tyler, that's all who I wanted to see at the moment. I walked to the front desk lady and I asked for him. She pointed to a room with his name on the door and a message that said "get better soon" written by Carmen and Brit. I smiled at least 2/3 of my friends care about him. I started shaking my head> Who am I kidding that lady is not my friend anymore. After pulling my thoughts together, I finally got the courage to go inside his room with his favorite candy. He was sleeping. Aww , he looks so cute when he's sleeping. I laid down next to him until he rolled around and his eyes met mine. "Am I in heaven? Because I think I seen an angel". I laughed. You are so corny. I missed that , I haven't heard it in a while. I gave him his candy. So what's been going on in the hospital ?".I asked . "Nothing much just chillin"He said " How is the food I heard it's nasty.""it's not that bad, it couldn't be worse than the schools lunch, What's the matter? I can see something is wrong with you " He said "How" I asked " When you love someone so much you start to feel for them and you can see it through their heart and eyes" "well, I sure as hell felt your pain when you was talking to me this morning I wanted to cry" I said."Denae what's going on you can tell me anything i love you no matter what and i will keep loving you until god tells me himself to stop, we rocking forever , now tell me whats wrong in your beautiful mind , soul and heart. "He said with his serious face. When he said that I landed on his chest and burst into tears."Baby--I -and then she-with her gangbangers--and kissed me !!"I said hardly saying any word properly."Wait, baby slow down and catch your breath.Who kissed you and what about gangbangers?" "When you got shot me and Layla wet to my house because Brit and Carmen thought I was unstable and everything, so me and Layla went to my house , and I was talking about you, and then she kissed me, and then today Brit and Carmen told me that Layla .."I stopped. "Layla what?"he asked. "I gulped . "are you sure you want me to tell you?"i asked worrying "BABY! We are forever you can tell me ANYTHING!"he said reassuring me."Layla hired... someone you."I was so scared to see his reaction. "She WHAT ?!WHY?!" he said shocked "I don't know I think it was because she might have had a crush on me i don't know , I really think that, its the answer." I said "Are you still friends with her?" "No, she spent the night at my house and in the morning when Brit and Carmen told me this I told her to get out of my house and then I  cussed her out"I said . "alright bet Layla , you want to put me in the hospital and have my mother and future wife worry all damn day about me and think your going to get away with it just wait!"I just sat there in silence scared and nervous about what's going to happen on Monday when we go back to School.

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and that is a wrap and zzzzzzzzzzooooooooooooppppppppppp

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