↣ member i. ↢

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"Sun-hee, could you please bring me the folders of these girls." Park Jin-young pushed a list of names towards the woman standing on the other side of the table. As Sun-hee caught sight of some of the names, her eyes instantly widened. The young manager looked up to the CEO, a look of shock on her face. "Sir, are you sure about this? You know of course, that one of these girls even poured a bucket of water on you."

The man laughed lightly, then straightened in his chair. "For this next project I'm thinking about, we'll need girls just like her." He paused for a moment, pointing at the paper in Sun-hee's hand. "I want you to go observe them for a while, see if they have what it takes."

Sun-hee cleared her throat. "Is there a reason you chose me for this job?" The CEO sighed, his gaze moving from the woman to the bright sky outside his window. "Ah Sun-hee, I remember the time when you first started working here, always such a trouble maker." He stopped, watching as the manager fidgeted uncomfortably. "But what's important is that you changed, and so can these girls."

Sun-hee nodded, reading through the list again, until a certain name caught her eye. She gazed at CEO silently sitting in his desk, still having a hard time believing such girls would be given the chance to debut. "Sir, this one got into a fight with another trainee again, just three days ago." Jin-young raised an eyebrow. "So?"

The woman shook her head, then bowed, exiting the room. As she walked towards the office in which the files were kept, she couldn't help but be worried. Some of the names had been unfamiliar, but there were a few she (and the other trainees) knew all too well. Swearing under her breath, Sun-hee entered the office, and started looking through the folders. After a while, she finally managed to find the one she was looking for.

» Full Name: Moon Ha-seon (문하선)
» Birthdate: August 1st 1995
» Nationality: Korean
» Height + Weight: 170 cm + 50 kg
» Audition Date: December 13th 2010
» Specialties: Dance + Rap
» Incidents + Warnings:
1) July 16th 2012
Ha-seon was given a warning after a group of trainees complained about her fiery temper. According to the girls, Ha-seon verbally threatened them saying they didn't practice properly, while in fact, they had been. When confronted, Ha-seon said that "they were talking about Taecyeon's abs instead of practicing" so she told them to "shut up and practice".
2) November 17th 2014
Ha-seon received her second warning when during a dance practice, she broke a mirror with her fist. The staff rushed in after hearing the noise, only to find Ha-seon on the floor, laughing. Following this event, her trainee manager, Kwon Myung-soo, suggested she take a break and seek mental help. When she heard this, Ha-seon violently lashed out, and had to be held down by two male trainees.

Sun-hee shut the folder, putting it on a table as she began searching for some of the others. Just as she had found another one, a small girl rushed into the office, a look of panic on her face. "Manager-nim, two unnies are about to go at each other!" Sun-hee did her absolute best to keep a straight face as the young girl led her to the trainee lounge.

At first, nothing seemed out of the ordinary. A few boys were eating ramen and chatting silently, while a bunch of girls sat on the couch, phones in hand. To Sun-hee's surprise, the girl didn't stop there, instead running over to a much more secluded corner of the large room. There, a girl clad in a black pair of tights and a white hoodie was being surrounded by a group of other girls.

Sun-hee walked over, only close enough to hear what the girls were saying. "...so just mind your own business!" A brown haired girl had just ended what seemed to be a pretty long rant. She listened carefully, watching as the girl got up and put her hood down. She stretched nonchalantly, pulling out her earbuds. "Who are you?"

The other girls looked at each other, until the brunette decided to speak up again. "You don't even know us, but somehow everyone knows you, Moon Ha-seon." Sun-hee perked up at the mention of the name, surprised at how different she was from the photo in the folder. Ha-seon had cut her hair short and dyed it black. Even her face looked more mature.

The black haired girl extended a perfectly manicured hand in front of her, absentmindedly inspecting her nails. "Can't help it if I'm popular." One of the others let out a little short, getting Ha-seon's attention. She looked at the girl, still wearing the same bored expression. "What are you laughing at shortie?"

"That's not what we came to talk about." The first one cut in again. "You need to stop pissing people off with that sharp tongue of yours. It's not just me, everyone is annoyed by your random dissing and constant violence."

A long silence filled the air, no one daring to speak. Just as the girl was about to open her mouth again, Ha-seon stepped forward, roughly grabbing her from the collar. "I don't know who the fuck you think you are, but either mind your own business, or I'll make your life hell."

She let go, pushing the girl backwards rather aggressively, and began walking away. As she was about to shove past the other girls, the same one called out to her again. "Yeah, you'd better walk away! Don't ever come close to us again or you'll get it!"

Ha-seon stopped when she heard this, turning towards the brown haired girl. Without saying anything, she grabbed her by the hair, forcefully pulling her along as she began walking towards the bathroom. Sun-hee almost stepped in to intervene, but decided against it at the last moment. She trailed behind them quietly, cringing every time the poor brunette yelled out in pain.

Pushing the door open, Ha-seon dragged the girl into one of the cubicles, pushing her head down towards the toilet. "You had an awful lot to say about me back there." Ha-seon seethed, still pushing the girl's head downwards. "I wonder why you suddenly decided to shut up."

The brunette whimpered, doing her best to push herself back up. "I-I'm really really sorry! P-please st—" Ha-seon yanked the girl back up, and shoved her out of the cubicle, glaring daggers at the others who had witnessed the situation. "Beat it pricks."

Everyone immediately ran out of the bathroom, a few even tripping as they tried to get out quickly. Soon enough, Sun-hee was the only one left. She had been watching the whole thing unfold from the door. Ha-seon raised an eyebrow at the manager in front of her. "What do you want?"

Sun-hee couldn't help but smile slightly. "You've been a trainee for five years, don't you think it's about time you debut?"

— ayy i finally finished this character introduction chapter thingy! i'll be announcing the members using this kind of chapter format, so i can give a bit of backstory and all that jazz. congratulations to taemein for being the first to be accepted! i hope you guys look forward to the next members and sorry for the super long wait!

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