↣ members vi. and vii. ↢

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"Could you be any fucking slower?" The older girl called out, slowing her pace so the other trainee could catch up. They were walking side by side, the younger girl, who had random moments where she really clingy, had her arms around the older's. She knew that if it had been anyone else who did that, they would end up in the hospital.

The duo continued to walk down the partially empty street, both silently sucking on their popsicles, and arms still linked. At some point, the older brunette got tired of the silence, deciding to start a conversation. "So, what did you burn this week?"

A small giggle escaped the maroon haired girl's lips as she took the frozen treat away from her mouth. "Honestly, I don't even remember." The brown haired older girl let out a small chuckle, shaking her head in mock disapproval. Their chat went on as they strolled around, the topic somehow becoming who the cutest couple on We Got Married was.

Just as the younger girl was about to launch into a rant about Sungjoy being the obvious winner, a male voice cut in. "Damn babe, you're really sucking on that lolly." The brunette's head instantly snapped towards the owner of the voice, her eyes narrowing behind her sunglasses.

A group of boys stood against a wall, clad in extremely cheap-looking leather jackets. The brunette opened her mouth like she was about to say something back, but was dragged along by the younger girl. They began walking away from the group of wannabe gangsters, but stopped when yet another one called out. "Hey sweet cheeks, what's under that skirt?"

This time, crimson haired girl didn't bother to hold her unnie back, nonchalantly pulling out a lighter and twirling it around her fingers as she watched the older girl walk towards the guys. A few of the men wolf-whistled as she approached, completely oblivious to the evil look she was giving them.

She casually strode up them, her popsicle still in hand. The brunette stopped in front of the male who had first spoke up, glaring at him. He smirked, leaning in until he was inches away from her face. "Aw c'mon babygirl, give us a smile."

Looking up from playing with her lighter, the younger girl shouted out, "Go get them unnie!" and the poor boy couldn't even react as the brown haired girl stuck her hand out towards his face, giving him a popsicle up the nose. He lurched back, attempting to wipe off the sticky substance that was dripping down from his chin.

The brunette began walking away, turning back one last time to flip them off for good measure. They were about to leave, however the younger decided that she also wanted to have some fun, her darker side coming out. "Hey dick head, why don't you give us a smile?"

She was grabbed by the arm, and the older girl began dragging her away. "No Arah, we've already wasted enough time on these douches." Normally, Arah was the one who pulled her out when she became a serious danger, but the young girl herself had a habit of angering people for fun.  Luckily, she was also bipolar, so her outbreaks weren't constant.

As the two strode away, Arah still complaining about how she never got to have fun, the brunette got a phone call. Pressing the answer button, she put the device to her ear, uttering her classic hello. "What do you want?" The other end of the line was silent for a while, most likely surprised due to the girl's harsh greeting.

Yeeyoung waited silently, shrugging when Arah asked who it was. She let out an impatient sigh, repeating her previous words. In the end, a voice she recognized spoke up. "Am I speaking to Son Yeeyoung?"

* * *

"What do you mean they're not here?" Sun-hee asked, checking her watch to see if she had the time wrong. "This month's official dance examination is starting in less than two minutes!" Leaving the building without permission was one thing, but vanishing right before this examination was a complete other.

The male trainee only shrugged, clearly not caring that the girls would be missing the evaluation that was about to begin. "I heard Arah say something about wanting a popsicle." He paused for a moment, scrunching his eyebrows as he tried to remember. "I think Yeeyoung took her to the convenience store a few blocks away."

He waited for the older woman to say something, but Sun-hee simply pulled our her phone, dialing a number quickly. A strangely suspenseful silence filled the air as the device edited a series of small beeps. Suddenly, a voice came from the other end of the line. "What do you want?"

Sun-hee blinked for a moment, her brain failing to register the crude tone in which the girl had answered. She just stood there for a while, staring at the number present on the screen. After the girl repeated herself, Sun-hee finally managed to say something. "Am I speaking to Son Yeeyoung?"

This time it was the other side's turn do be silent. A few inaudible whispers were heard, then a different voice spoke up. "Stop ruining my fun time with Yeeyoung unnie!" And with that, the line went dead. Sun-hee frowned as she put her phone away, surprised at how many bad-mannered trainees happened to be in the agency.

Shrugging it off, she decided to go take a look at their folders. Saying farewell to the boy, she began walking towards the room she had seen enough of to last a lifetime. Finding the folders were nothing compared to reading through all of them, whilst thinking about the positions of each member.

» Full Name: Son Yeeyoung (손예영)
» Birthdate: July 30th 1997
» Nationality: Korean
» Height + Weight: 164 cm + 46 kg
» Audition Date: August 18th 2011
» Specialties: Singing + Dance
» Incidents + Warnings:
1) September 18th 2013
Son Yeeyoung was given her first warning after it was revealed she had been bullying a fellow trainee Han Bora. She told the managers about how Yeeyoung had been bullying for about a month, and had threatened her in case she told anyone. Since Yeeyoung denied doing anything of sort and had never gotten into this sort of trouble before, she was not punished and simply received a warning.
2) January 22nd 2014
A group consisting of four female trainees revealed that their friend had been bullied by Yeeyoung, and was now suffering from depression. When asked to give the name of the person who had been picked on, they refused, saying Yeeyoung would hurt her if they said. Yeeyoung yet again denied all claims, and since there was no proof that she had done such a thing, only got a warning.

» Full Name: Lee Arah (이아라)
» Birthdate: May 4th 1998
» Nationality: Korean
» Height + Weight: 162cm + 56 kg
» Audition Date: April 23rd 2010
» Specialties: Singing + Dance
» Incidents + Warnings:
1) July 2nd 2012
Arah seen smoking in the practice room, and was told to stop by the staff, but refused. Since she did not cease her actions and had lied about her habits, Arah was given a warning. A few of the trainees who had been practicing with her during that time stated that this wasn't a new habit of hers, and that she had been doing it "since day one". When asked about why she smoked, Arah explained it was "just one try" and that she hadn't ever smoked before, contrary to what the other trainees had said.
2) November 14th 2015
A small fire started in the dorms of female the female trainees, and Arah was found to be responsible. Arah's roommate Go Sira explained that she had seen the girl enter with a lighter and a bunch of matches. Moments later, they noticed smoke coming from the living room, only to find Arah sitting on the ground with a bunch of burning magazines around her. Luckily, Nam Sooyoung was also there at the time, and managed to douse the flames. Lee Arah received her second warning the following day.

— i finally wrote another one of these chapter thingies :3 sorry for the long wait, school was being super duper annoying and time consuming... anyways congrats to doyoungie and krystallites for getting accepted! i'll be releasing the final member's intro chapter soon, so please look forwards to it!

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