↣ member iii. ↢

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"Well, you can't exactly write down 'tricked girl into thinking her boyfriend cheated on her' under the warning part." Sun-hee whipped around, breaking into a huge smile when she saw the owner of the voice. "If it isn't everyone's favorite troublemaker."

The girl let out a snort, leaning on one of the large shelves containing folders. "Honestly unnie, I'm starting to think you're the only person who doesn't hate me." She watched silently as the older female rummaged through endless documents, then cleared her throat. "Anyway, I kinda need to ask you for a favor."

Sun-hee stopped examining the files she had in her hand, shifting her attention back to the girl. "Do you want me to bail you out of another diet session again? Because you seriously need to stop coming to me whenever you don't feel like eating le—"

"Unnie, just listen for a second." The girl cut in, looking Sun-hee in the eye. "I need to go see my grandma, but that stupid Myung-soo whatever won't let me leave." Sun-hee moved back to the files, letting out an exasperated breath. "There's not really much I can do about that. Just how much does he hate you?

A small half-smile appeared on Minju's face, but faded quickly. "I really need to go this time though!" Sun-hee shook her head, sighing tiredly. "Alright fine, if anyone tries to stop you say you have my permission." She pointed a finger threateningly towards the young girl. "But mark my words Kang Minju, this is the first and last time I'm doing something like this for you!"

A huge grin appeared on Minju's face, shocking Sun-hee. Normally the girl was known for her intimidating and mischievous personality, but Sun-hee knew that deep down, there was another side to her. Minju bid her unnie goodbye, an impish grin still plastered on her face.

When the girl had vanished from sight, Sun-hee began searching through the endless drawers again, letting out a small 'aha!' when she finally found what she was looking for.

» Full Name: Kang Minju (강민주)
» Birthdate: July 29th 1996
» Nationality: Korean 
» Height + Weight: 158 cm + 47 kg
» Audition Date: September 2nd 2008
» Specialties: Singing + Dance
» Incidents + Warnings:
1) June 18th 2010
Minju was given her first warning when, during the time she was supposed to be mopping up the trainee lunch room, she broke the window. According to the trainees that had been present at the time, Minju suddenly stopped cleaning, instead flinging the broom at the window. When asked about how it had happened, Minju did not say anything and only shrugged.
2) February 7th 2011
Minju received her second warning after a fellow trainee complained about how Minju had mixed purple hair dye into her shampoo. Similar to her behavior regarding the previous incident, Minju only shrugged, not denying the accusation. Due to this she was given one more warning along with the punishment of having to clean the dorm bathrooms for a week.
3) October 31st 2012
Minju was given yet another warning when she was caught stealing another trainee's headphones. Minju denied doing such a thing, stating that she had intended to give it back, but due to her previous record was warned again. Following the incident, Kwon Myung-soo announced that she would be removed from trainee activities for a week. Minju replied by saying "one time I don't do anything you blame me".
4) July 3rd 2014
Minju got her fourth warning when she had a run in with Got7 fans outside the company. She had been trying to leave the building at the time, but could not get onto the street due to the number of people outside. Annoyed about the situation, she pushed one out of the way in an attempt to reach the bus, and the small scuffle escalated. Luckily, nobody was hurt during the incident so she only received a warning.
4) April 1st 2015
Minju received her final warning, along with a week long suspension after pouring colored water down the CEO's head. The incident occurred during the time when Mr. Park was observing the trainees during practice. Witnesses state she simply walked up to him with a bucket, pouring it over him without any warning. Minju was talked to and told to apologize, and she did (note: doubting her honesty).

Sun-hee raised an eyebrow at the last part, confused at how such words existed in a formal document. Shutting the folder with a snap, she put it under her arm and began her now routine walk to JYP's office. Tapping the door with her knuckles, she entered slowly, clearing her throat. "Hello sir."

The CEO looked up from his paperwork, taking his glasses off. "Did I call for you again?" Sun-hee shook her head, walking over to the desk and putting Kang Minju's files down. "She wasn't on the list you gave me, but I think she deserves to be in this group."

Jin-young reached over, taking the papers, and skimmed through them. "She has more warnings than all the other trainees combined." Sun-hee cursed inwardly, regretting giving him the file. The manager bit her lip nervously, waiting for him to finish reading the whole thing.

Putting down the file, JYP looked at her, eyes fixated on her own. Sun-hee knew he was looking for some kind of doubt, but refused to let her pokerface falter. In the end, the older man let out a sigh, rubbing his temples. "You seem to have confidence in her, so I'll ignore all the trouble she's caused."

It took all of Sun-hee's willpower to not rush over and hug the man. Fortunately able to keep her voice in check, she bowed and exited the office, quickly running to the trainee lounge.

— congratulations to the third member minju aka scarletteskye who is one of my fave authors here! btw i may not be very active next week because of my exams, but i'll make up for it eventually. also i might actually give minor cameos to people who support the book even if they don't get accepted, so feel free to vote and comment ^^

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