Chapter 15 ~ Okay Princess

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"Wanna take a walk around town?" You ask in fear that Chanyeol would get bored soon.

"Uh- Yeah sure. Why not?" He replies.

Once you lock the door and are outside into the fresh air you steal glances as him. And every time he catches you stealing those glances. And each time he gives you that killer smile. And each time you look away. And each time you blush a mad red.

You stroll around the city with him as the sun shines brightly above you. There is a light breeze every now and then. Occasionally there is a leaf that slaps either you or Chanyeol- usually in the face. And each time you both start laughing until the point where it hurts to breathe. Because why not. Getting separated every now and then by a crowd would occur. And his deep voice allows you to differentiate his voice from the crowd, blindly walking through the crowd towards his voice.

After about an hour of walking around, you and Chanyeol end up in front of the mall. Standing in front of the multiple doors of the entrance, you look at Chanyeol who looks back. You both give an expression that asks, "Should we go inside?"

Both of you smile as if answering, "Yeah sure why not".

Once inside, you start wandering with Chanyeol beside you. He doesn't seem to care where you lead him or where you are going or if you even know where you are going. After a few minutes of mindless wandering, you somehow end up in a book store.

You skim the shelves, looking at the titles, and pull out any book that may interest you with its summary.

"Probably Just Another One," you read in a whisper to yourself.

"I like that title. Don't you?" A deep voice asks which startles you immensely.

"Park Chanyeol. Can you not?"


"What is it about?"

You flip the book in your hand to the back.

"It says 'Melody leaves her hometown in Korea to a new country, the United States, after so many good and bad memories made She's made friends. She's made enemies. She has been through a lot of scarring experiences, but what hurt her the most was when the person she loved the most and let go of her first love hurt her. He hurt her so bad that she is perfectly content with leaving Korea. Her family was already planning on going to America already for her mother has found work there. In America she runs into someone. Someone of her past. Someone very important to her. Someone she has never forgotten. This book is the second book and stuff about the author and all that jazz."

"Woaaaah~ I want to read the first book first though."

"Trust me. I have read the first book and it is pretty good in my opinion."

"Hey, let me get that book in your hand for you."

"What? Why?"

"Have you read that book yet?"

"No but-"

"Ok it's set. Im going to get you that book whether you like it or not, but you have to tell me how it is. Araso? (Okay?)"

"A-Araso?... (O-Okay?...)"

"Good girl!"

"Yah!!! Don't treat me like a five year old!!!"

"Okay Princess"


"Oh- Wait. Sorry. I've always wanted to call my little sister 'Princess' or something like that. I've never really had a girlfr- a friend that's a girl before so I just wanted to see how it felt. Or how it would have felt to call my sister that. I'm sorry."

Is that how he sees me? As a little sister? Is that it? Why do I feel so sad? So wait. He's never had a friend that was a girl? Like ever? Or just one that he's felt comfortable around? Be more specific mannn. AISH! Jinjja? (Really?) This is going to drive me crazy!! Wait- but why? Why do I care? Why does it have to affect? Who cares if I'm just his 'little sister'?

It crushes you to think that he only sees you as his 'little sister' because that small feeling bloomed over time. But only slightly. You don't want to even think that you like him. At all.

My heart still belongs to Jimin. The one who stayed with me for all those random times. The one who I wanted to be with ever since I was little. He was the one whom I made a promise to all those years ago. He's the one who still has my heart.

He told me that he would be my oppa.

He will always be my oppa. Only him.



Heyyyyyyyy Updateeeeeed!! Hehehe Is a little sister all Chanyeol sees in you??

Does your heart still belong to Jimin or have you moved on?

Who do you ship so far? I really want to know! (Say it honestly despite the title of this fanfic)

Chanyeol X Reader or is it Jimin X Reader??? Ohhhhhh conflict hahahaha

Votes and comments are highly appreciated!

Thank you for reading this far!!


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