Chapter 17~ I Trust You

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Somehow time flies by so quickly that by the time that you leave the mall, the crystals in the navy blue sky called stars sparkles the full moon illuminates the world. Everything seems to be settling down- The birds are returning to their nests. The mall parking lot empties itself as the seconds pass by.

Chanyeol repositions his hand in yours and you smile as you remember everything that just happened.

"Hey wanna go to the park for a quick cooldown walk? I'll take you home after," he asks, his eyes have an anime sparkle to them.

Is- Is that- normal? His eyes... Ya know what? I'm not even gonna ask.

"Um yeah sure. A cooldown walk sounds like something I need in this point of my life," you reply.

"Yess," he says in triumph,

You smile at his cuteness.

*Small time leap*

You end up at the park. Again.

But since it's night, the few park lights bright up your surroundings. The path is easy to see and to follow- which is what you and Chanyeol do. Walk down the path with a faint breeze brushing past you. In silence, you and Chanyeol end up standing in front of the oak tree. The same oak tree that you hid behind, and where you woke up with your head on his shoulder.

But after staring at the tree for a few seconds, Chanyeol guides you by the shoulders to the bench, your 'favorite bench'.

"Close your eyes," Chanyeol commands, "Don't worry. I'm going to be here near the tree. And no. There is no surprise kidnappers here. And yes. I will keep you safe. And yes. I have a surprise for you. And yes. It may take a few minutes of your time. ... Depending on how good I am..."

You are honestly curious about what the 'surprise' is, but scared out of your mind. Like this is some major trust test. But you close your eyes

After a few minutes you hear Chanyeol call your name. You open your eyes and walk over to him.

"What is the surprise?" You ask.

"Look for yourself," he turns you around so that you are facing the trunk of the tree.

(Y/N) + Chanyeol

It's carved into the bark of the tree.

"You and me," you whisper to yourself. It seems right. I can see us at the beach riding our bikes and and one of us falling off our bike because one made the other laugh so hard, "I like the sound of that."

"Hey, why don't we make this park, specifically this bench, every other day?" he asks with hope sparkling in his eyes.

"Sure. I'd like that. Mkay. Call," you agree.

There was an awkward silence.

Usually in books when someone confesses to you and you confess back then they would ask you out. Right...? Or am I just getting ahead of myself. What if he doesn't like me and used that confession as like some sort of joke? But he did carve our names on the tree...

"The only reason I'm not asking for us to become official is because I don't want to rush anything. I want us to take this step by step. But don't get me wrong. I do like you. Please wait for me to muster enough courage to be able to officially court you," Chanyeol explains.

You smile. Please mean what you say. I believe you. I trust you, Park Chanyeol. Hopefully, my Park Chanyeol.


"Thank you for walking me home, Chanyeol. Thank you for the book, too," you thank Chanyeol.

"You're welcome," he says.

You go inside your house and see your sibling and mom sitting in the living room.

"So. Where have you been all day?" You mom asks. 


Wooooooo Updated!!! hahaha ima weird child person thing


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