And Boys Are So Cold

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"Where's my pocket watch?..." The small blonde said panicking a bit the next morning when he couldn't find his watch in his pocket, "Did you lose something?" Al asked, "Yeah I lost my pocket watch..." Edward replied with a heavy sigh, "Whatever I'll worry about that later.". "Maybe you dropped at Central.", "I said I'll worry about it later!" Realizing his sudden tone, "Sorry Al, I didn't mean to yell at you like that I'm just really...", "Heartbroken." Looking up at the suit of armor surprised at what he said, "A-Al... Like that's even possible with me." He huffed looking away. Alphonse wasn't as dumb as Edward thought, he always noticed how much he was doing for the Flame Alchemist, alway trying to get his attention but was always ignored in the end which worried him since Edward wouldn't give up, "He either likes him or he's in love with him...". Roy who was in his office thinking about the blonde Lieutenant's words from the previous day had him thinking looking in the trash can, "That's a load of crap. Especially coming from someone like Fullmetal." Brushing it off leaning back against his chair put his legs on his desk.

"You never told me what the Gearhead said yesterday on the phone." Edward asked in the hallway of Central turning to face Alphonse, "She asked if you broke you Automail and I kind of said you did...", "You did what?! I wasn't planning to tell her because she's going to kill me for damaging it when she just fixed it!". "I know but she's going to get mad either way-", "Al are you trying to kill me already!-", "Stop yelling at your Brother already Fullmetal." Feeling a light hit on his head before feeling the hand go into his shoulder making Edward's heart ache at his Superior's familiar voice pushing his hand away, "Don't touch me.". "I just didn't like the way you're talking to your Brother, especially if he's just looking after you." Noticing Edward wouldn't look at him, "Look at me when I'm talking to you.", "It's alright Colonel really..." The suit of armor said quickly, "He's just upset because he lost his pocket watch.", "That still doesn't excuse his attitude with you.". "Whatever. We have things to do." Edward said making a face, "Let's go Al-", "Not so fast. You're coming with me to my office." Earning Roy an annoyed huff from the alchemist, "Alphonse." Making Al jump up when Riza showed up behind him with a kind smile, "Keep me and Hayate company while I do some paperwork.".

"Ah, but...", "It's fine Edward will be back before you know it." Glancing to Roy with a serious look noticing Edward look down bothered than push the Flame Alchemist walking ahead of him, "Make this quick jackass.", "Edward has some temper on him." Riza commented before walking back with Al following behind, "Yeah..." With Roy following with a heavy sigh. "What the hell do you want." Edward said once in Roy's office with an angered look in his golden eyes, "...For one thing you need to do something about your attitude of yours." Roy pointed out walking over to his desk to grab the pocket watch, "And you need to get a better personality." Stinging Roy a bit, "You're mad about yesterday aren't you...". "As if." Edward said despite the fact Roy hit the nail on the head, "Now what the hell do you want-", "Here. You dropped it in my office yesterday when you left." Roy said grabbing Edward's right hand placing the pocket watch on his gloved palm making Ed's heart race a bit but kept his cool. The blonde pulled his hand away with a light blush on his cheeks about to turn away and leave till Roy grabbed his wrist and pulled him towards him inches from his face, "Not even going to say a thank you?", "...Let go of me.", "I'll go with you on a date." Roy said seeing Edward's golden eyes widen with uncertainty.

"I... I don't want your pity date..." The small blonde said trying to pull his wrist away, he didn't want to get his hopes up in anyway after what the Flame Alchemist said yesterday but part of him wanted to accept since he was in love with him, "Let go of me.". "Guess I can't make you either..." Roy said letting go of his wrist before pushing the small alchemist on his desk before he had the chance to run off, "What are you doing-" Edward stammered but froze up when the other undid his coat button. "This isn't funny Colonel!-" He started but was cut off when his superior's lips pressed against his making his golden eyes widen and blush appear on his cheeks. The small alchemist fought it when the flame alchemist forced himself onto him scaring him a bit getting some energy to quickly push him off him looking at him with an angered confused expression, "I... I hate you!" He said getting up and running off not surprising Roy who just sighed and sat back down in his chair, "Maybe that'll change his mind.". The small alchemist ran towards where Al was supposed to be scaring Riza and company when the door slammed open, "Where's Al...", "He took Hayate for a walk... Riza started seeing edward avoid eye contact with her, "Edward... Are you alright..." Riza said getting up going over to the small blonde seeing his face red and a small bite mark on his lip raising a flag for her. "Edward... What the hell happened... Was it the Colonel..." She said quietly seeing his expression change and run off again before Riza could get an answer out of him angering her since she knew of the note the day before, "Lieutenant? What was with the kid..." Havoc asked jumping up when Riza just turned to him with a bothered expression, "It was nothing, go back to work.", "Y-Yes ma'am!". Alphonse who was coming back with the small dog in his arms was about to greet his brother who just ran past him surprising him catching a glimpse of his appearance, about to go after him when Riza went over to him and grabbed Hayate from him, "Lieutenant?-", "Go to your brother now." She said in a cold serious tone before taking Hayate in her arms walking off towards the direction of Roy's office with the suit of armor not questioning it quickly going after his brother who blindly ran off.

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