Pins And Needles

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"Brother, say something will you..." The suit of armor said on the train the day after worried since Edward came home from the rain never speaking a word to him, "Broth-", "What do you want me to say Al! That you were right and I was wrong! Is that what you want to hear!..." Edward said angrily than looking at him with a pained hurt expression, "Is that what you want hear?" Looking at the suit of armor who was quiet. "Well is it?..." The blonde asked again painfully, "No... I'm not that kind of person Brother... You know that..." Al said wishing how he knew how his brother felt, "...I don't want to talk about this Al... Maybe later... But for now I just want to forget about it..." The small alchemist said hurt laying on his side on his seat with the suit of armor looking down, "I'm sorry Brother... I wish I knew how you felt...". "Lieutenant..." The flame alchemist said back at his office since Riza was ignoring him, "Lie-", "I have nothing to talk to you about Sir." The blonde lieutenant said with a dissatisfied expression at hearing from what Havoc said he saw yesterday concerning a certain small alchemist that walked alone in the rain with a pained expression getting angry at the thought. She was about to walk away from the desk after leaving the pile of paperwork but turned right around with a bothered look surprising Roy who flinched for a moment when she rose a hand up and slapped him across the face not exactly surprised when his cheek stung looking at his angered subordinate. "Even for you that's low... Edward is still a child... He doesn't know any better, and you go and do this to him. Are you proud of yourself?" Riza said her angered expression dropping to a worried one turning away and leaving closing the door behind her leaving the flame alchemist alone who just looked down with a swelled cheek and guilty expression. "Not one bit..." Roy said to himself feeling awful about how things were going knowing well he wasn't going to be able to fix it but hoping he would be given a chance to when the smaller alchemist came back putting his hand to his swelled cheek wincing at the pain knowing well he asked for that. "I hope he comes back soon..." The Flame Alchemist thought but he hadn't realized how much he had hurt Edward who just slept on the worried suit of armor on the long quiet train ride. Roy was wrong, it had been a few days and the small alchemist and brother hadn't returned till the blonde Lieutenant opened his office door with her usual serious expression and walked in with an envelope in hand getting his attention sitting up in his chair.

"What is this Lieutenant?", "It's from Edward." She said simply sparking some panic in his chest, "Fullmetal?... But what could he send when he could of brought it himself-" He said opening the envelope to see his pocket watch fall out it making his heart sink seeing a folded paper in there. He pulled out the papers seeing it was his paper that indicated he was a state alchemist along with a resignation paper feeling his subordinate's unhappy eyes on him, "Well, you must be proud of yourself Sir." Riza said simply about to walk away but paused when Roy spoke up, "Lieutenant, I know you know where Fullmetal is...". "And If I did?" She asked back without hesitation since she did know where the brothers were, "But I'm sure you don't really care.", "Lieutenant please... I know you're unhappy with me but believe me when I say I want to make things right..." Making Riza make a face and turn to Roy who looked serious and apologetic about it. "Sir... I want to believe you I do... And I'm sure you didn't mean wrong but... I don't know if Edward doesn't want to have anything to do with you.", "But the least I can do is try..." Roy said putting a hand to his face making Riza sigh, "...I know where they're at but... I have something important to ask first before I break my promise to the boys.". "What are your feelings for Edward exactly?" Riza asked getting to the point seeing the Flame Alchemist looking down quiet for a good minute than looking her in the eyes, "All this time that I've been playing him, and having him gone made me realize I've developed feelings for him... But you probably don't believe me Lieutenant..." Roy said softly giving up. "Who says I don't... However... I'm just not sure if Edward will though..." Riza said softly, "You hurt him a lot.". "I know I did!... I feel horrible for it! I'll make him listen to me if I have to, even if I have to get on my knees and beg him if I have to!" Roy said looking at his subordinate but looked down when she looked at him with an unsure look and long silence, "It's no use is it?...", "Edward is in the hospital. Since he got hurt as usual. But I need to mention something before you-". "Let's go Lieutenant." Riza started but was quickly cut off by Roy when he got up and left making her sigh, "Winry is there with him too..." She finished quietly shaking her head following behind going over to Havoc and the others to keep an eye on the things while they're were gone while Edward was quiet as usual at the hospital making a face not looking at his childhood friend in the face.

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