All Apologies

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"Ed, you should try and talk to the Colonel...'' Winry said the morning after they left the hospital with the blonde's cheek and forehead bandaged from the trouble he got himself into days prior, ''What for... I'm not his little pet anymore.'' The small blonde said coldly Making Winry look over to the suit of armor who didn't know what to say. "Brother please...'', ''I want nothing to do with that useless fucking womanizer!'' Edward said before bumping into someone making all of them look up to see Hawkeye dressed casually with her hair down walking Black Hayate looking serious as usual, ''Is that what you really think Edward?'' She asked simply. "Lieutenant...'', ''It's Riza since you're no longer the Colonel's 'Pet' Edward.'' Riza said seeing Edward look down, ''You know he hasn't turned in your pocket watch yet, You still have a chance to fix things with him.'', ''What for! So he can toy with my feelings again-!'' Edward said but paused when he realized he said too much about how he felt blushing slightly making a face. ''I'm just staying here for today before we head back to Resembool.'' He said simply pained walking away bothering Winry and Al who just looked at the distressed Lieutenant, "The Colonel feels very responsible for what he's caused, but we can't help Edward If he keeps thinking this way...'' She said looking down when the small dog started barking suddenly. ''Hayate stop.'' She said tugging on the leash when Hayate barked louder trying to tug Riza when Edward had walked off towards the street, ''What has gotten into you?-!'' She said but paused when seeing why the dog was barking seeing a car was speeding towards Edward who's anger and pain didn't let him pay attention to his surroundings alerting Winry and Al who panicked at that moment. ''Edward!'' Riza called out making the small blonde turn to see the speeding car seeing his life flash before his eyes, his golden eyes widening unable to react before another voice called out to him, ''FULLMETAL!'' They said before grabbing them by the waist and pulling them away from the car before it had a chance to hit him leaving the small blonde in a state of shock for a small moment as everyone ran to him. ''Fullmetal... Are you alright?'' A familiar Flame Alchemist asked still hugging the small blonde's waist, ''Colonel... Thank goodness...'' Riza said in relief with Hayate going over to him and Edward barking snapping Edward out of it looking up to see Roy had saved him looking down with Winry and Al grateful at that moment, ''Thank you Colonel...''.  Roy who just nodded, ''Luckily I came in the nick of time.'' He said looking down at Edward letting go of his waist, ''Fullmetal, you alright?... You should watch where you're going, some cars don't realize how fast they drive...'' He said simply seeing the small blonde make a face, "I'm fine...'', ''...Good, I wouldn't want Winry and Al to lose you just yet...'' He said feeling the tension between them. ''Sir, Maybe you should-'', ''I was just here to grab something to cook something for later, but I found someone who wants nothing to do with me, how redundant.'' Roy said with a small laugh, ''I'll just go now... Fullmetal seems fine.'' He said petting Hayate before he left with Winry looking over to Edward making a face, ''Edward...'', ''He saved you, the least you can do is thank him...'' Riza added. ''...'', ''Brother.'' Al added making Edward feel attacked but they had a point making him look up with his bandaged face, ''I... Col... WAIT!'' He said making Roy pause in steps surprised with a saddened smile, ''There's no need to thank a useless womanizer, Fullmetal.'' He said simply as he walked away making Edward feel worse that he had heard what he said about him feeling everyone's eyes on him. ''...I said wait!" The small blonde said clapping his hands on a hydrant causing it to throw water on the flame alchemist who just screamed in surprise falling face first soaking wet sitting up with his hair a mess, ''...Was water really necessary Fullmetal...'' Roy questioned making Riza and the others shake their head, ''You didn't listen to me the first time... I had to...'' The blonde said feeling bad since he had drawn attention to them. ''Okay... Well you got my attention now...'' Roy said standing up making a face at his wet clothes, ''I wanted to make it up to you... For the way I've been...'' The small alchemist mumbled looking down, ''An apology would be great for starters.'' Roy said trying to figure out a way to get dried off, ''How am I supposed to grab something to make, when I'm soaking wet?''. ''My bad... I went too far...'' Edward said, ''You think?'' Riza and company said surprised when Edward clapped his hands and placed then on Roy instantly drying him off, ''Look... Thank you for saving me back there...'' Edward said still not making any eye contact with Roy who just sighed, ''Dinner at my place... How about that? Only if you want to.'' He said quickly. ''Yeah, that's fine.'' Edward said with a small mumble a bit flustered about going to Roy's place, ''Not tonight though-'', ''Al is taking me to look at the shops so he's free.'' Winry said quickly pulling the suit of armor with here while Riza just shrugging, ''Looks like tonight it is than Sir. Have fun.'' She said simply leaving the two alchemists standing there, ''Looks like you're stuck with me Fullmetal...''.   ''Okay... So that's everything.'' Roy said holding the paper bag in his arms with the quiet blonde walking next to him pausing till he spotted a car full of flowers smiling at the young woman who was selling them, ''Those are some lovely roses you have there.'' He said with the young woman smiling at him back, ''Thank you.'' She said with a soft kind smile grabbing a small bouquet of them. ''Here, You can take these. They're on me.'' She said simply handing them to Roy who looked surprised, ''Eh? But I couldn't.'', ''Don't worry business went great today, so giving a free bouquet wouldn't hurt. Besides... I think he could use them.'' The young woman said simply referring to Edward who seemed down but looked up surprised. ''But we're not a couple.'' Both alchemists said at the same time making the woman laugh, "That's not what that reaction tells me. Go on, take them.'' She insisted again with Roy looking down at the roses, ''...Thank you again.'', ''Have a good day. Now take care you two.'' She said with a wave and smile as they left baffled, ''...You sure know how to charm women...'', ''That wasn't my intention...'' Roy said sighing pausing in front of the small alchemist. ''Here, Take them as an apology.'' He said seeing Edward's golden eyes widen and a small blush appear on his face before making a face, ''Sorry for what?'' He questioned still taking the small rose bouquet bringing a smile to the woman's face when she looked over to see the small scene between the two males, ''You two look like you need a small push...'' She mumbled simply with a small smile before going back to work. ''Finally here, feel free to make yourself at home.'' Roy said letting the small alchemist in first who walked in quietly with the small bouquet in in arms, ''...I didn't take you as the clean freak type.'' he commented blushing slightly making Roy react, ''Well excuse me for being a clean freak!'', ''I didn't mean it in a bad way idiot...''. ''Of course not, Just because my office is a mess doesn't mean my personal life is- ...Actually I take that back, my personal life is a mess.'' He said putting the groceries down on the kitchen table with the small blonde feeling bad about his rudeness with him, ''Um... Listen... I-!'' He started but paused almost immediately. ''Let me take these and put them in some water, so they don't dry up.'' Roy said as he took the roses placing them in a small vase filled with water on the small desk nearby, '' There... They look better now.'' He said in satisfaction about to head back to the kitchen to start cooking dinner but paused when he felt the small alchemist suddenly hug him from behind, ''Fullmetal?...'', ''...I'm sorry Colonel.''.

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