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April 4th, 2018

07: 00

125 minutes before the first emergence



I woke up by the loud sound of my alarm, I looked at the clock and turned it off angrily, "Today is Sunday" I shouted inside my head "Why would I set an alarm this early!" Then I looked at my phone and I was completely shocked and terrified when i see 42 messages and 32 missed calls from my wife, Aileen Smith, I called her Ail for short, whom I'm supposed to pick up at 7:30 sharp at the airport.

I read her messages as i rushed downstairs, she texted "OI PIG FUCKING WAKE UP!!!" At least 31 times, with the latest one being "I WILL LITERALY KILL YEE IF I HAVE TO TAKE CABBY!!!"

I'm not late or anything, it's just her habit and ritual, so to speak. She got angry at me once when I picked her up 5 minutes late from the university where she lectured architecture, she always scolds me and tells me why punctuality so important, she often connects my lack thereof to my terrible career choice. As an orphan growing up, i never knew a true motherly love, since i was raised by the Turner household. They took me in when my real parents abandoned me, and i become good friend with their son, Ruben, well, we're still good friends to this day. I even attended his graduation and his valledictorian speech. I wonder what he's up to now.

Well who am i? I'm Arthur Smith, 31 years old, I got Bachelor degree in Arts and Designs. I'm working as a project manager in a nature magazine focuses on animals and geography. I don't have the foggiest why she thinks that my job sucks, well maybe, unlike me, her salary doesn't depend on how successful the projects are. We have two beautiful daughters, Daniella the older one, and Emma her younger sister, she suffered ear deformity, making her deaf from birth, probably from both physical and mental trauma during pregnancy.

My wife and children went to Dublin for the weekend, to spend some "quality" time with the kids' grandparents. I never liked them to be honest, especially my mother in law Edith. I think she has royal bloodline, or some sort, i jsut remembered Ail told me that her mother was named after her great great grandmother, who was the Queen of Ireland at some point. Well Edith,She never likes me, perhaps because she thinks I don't deserve her duaghter, well I can say that I agree with her. Ailene is "out of my league".
I met Aileen at the university, and our meeting was a bit ironic, she was already a junior lecturer, while I was a problematic college student, it was my seventh year, and Aileen was appointed as my advisor, and she threatened to drop me off college if I don't finish this year. Long story short we fell in love and decided to get married a year after.

I thought to myself that i might as well get ready. After I took a shower, I rushed to my car to pick my family, the airport isn't far away from our flat, but I'm better early than late. After about 12 minutes drive I arrived at the airport and park my car close to the arrival gate. Not long after, my phone rang, I picked it up and was shocked by the extremely loud high-pitched voice that I recognized as my wife as she gets furious at me for being late,


"Oi Love, I wasn't late, in fact, I'm early!" I shouted back, clearly a big mistake, a monumental mistake.

"Earlier my arse ye Dimwit!!!! I clearly texted you last night that I took an earlier flight since mother came with me to London, don't tell me you haven't read it?! JUST PICK US UP AT MaCDIES, FAST!!"

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