New Civilization

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It's been 10 years since the Emergence. Earth is no longer safe, civilization changed. England is now divided into 15 independent district. And there were no longer war between nations, we all are united as one, we sort out our differences to take back our earth. Our government, they created factions that function as caste, class or order, to set people with specific skills, with their respective jobs. There are 5 factions in each continent,


Hunter consists of 3 smaller groups, they are Scouts, whose job is to find and locate the monsters, they are armed with High-Caliber sniper rifle and long-range weapons, then there's Warrior, whose actively hunts the monsters on their possible sightings or location, they are armed with heavy artillery and often provided with massive armoured vehicles. and the last one is Tactician, whose job is to design war strategies and tactics.


Engineers are the masters of technology and advanced weaponry. Although the world almost ended 9 years ago, our technology has a significant spike in advancement since the first year the factions were formed. Engineers consist of Scientist, Technical Engineering, and Industrial Engineering. Their jobs are to design weapons, armoured vehicles, protective pieces of equipment, both for the districts and hunters, and developing new and sustainable components for both military and everyday uses.


Architects job are to map and design the districts and to make them as safe as possible, They also have a difficult task to find a new and safe place to live. The architects are divided into three groups, groundworkers, builders and designers. This is where my wife Aileen works and dedicates her life into.


Scavengers are probably living in constant danger, they are tasked to collect valuables from the old world. From money, golds, foods, electronics, and many more. That's why criminals have to serve years as scavengers as their punishment, the council has been debating on this, because the possibility of them running away, other demanded a more "humane" punishment. But since the criminals have nowhere else to go, i'd say we should sacrifice the ill fated. When they finished their servitude to the nation, they will be sprted to other fsction according to their skills.

Civic Workers

Civic Workers consist of Farmers, Artist, Entertainer, Teacher, government workers and many more, some of them buy their way out of danger to become a civic workers, but it mostly consist of those who are old or weak enough to fight, and those who don't have any fighting skill.

Those below 16 or above 68 won't be sorted into any faction, they function as a mere civilian.

And I volunteered as a Scouts, and have analyzed and studied most of the creatures that emerged 9 years ago. There are countless other subspecies, but I have collected enough data to know every creature's weaknesses and abilities. These... Monsters. They mirrored the modern animal albeit far larger, yet the composition of their skin predated back even before the Ordovician era. They are ancient, but we learn nothing about their origin than what we already knew years ago. We call them the Legion

There are 5 classes of the monster so far.

Beast : 0 - 20 meters tall
These are one of the first monster to have emerge, they are very common on the wasteland, very easy to kill.

Giant : 30 - 40 meters tall
They are mostly consist of herbivores, but they still remain as a threat.

Goliath : 50 - 60 meters tall
Goliath class monster ressembles modern day predator, highly dangerous.

Colossal : 70 - 80 meters tall
Most colossal class monsters doesn't ressemble any modern day creatures, thus they are very hard to study and identify.

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