Howling in The Dusk

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It happens again, that nightmare, maybe a vision? I don't believe in such things actually, dreams are just your subconscious reliving or reenacting moments of your past, and maybe things you wanted the most, or things you fear the most.
While vision, on the other hand, is just hogwash. But it keeps happening to me for the last few years, the same nightmare over and over again. I look at my phone, and the clock reads 11:21.
"GODDAMMIT, I overslept!" I shout to myself. As I walk to my exo-suit station, my phone rang, it's my wife.

"Hello love, I was about to call you, I'm gonna be late for dinner, Ruben send me to the-"

"Arthur, please listen to me, there is something I need to tell you, "Ail cuts me. Her voice is shaking, it worries me.

"What? What is it? Did dany failed her test?" I asked.

"No, no, Arthur, I'm. I'm pregnant.. Ursula just told me yesterday, when I was not feeling well, I thought I have cold or flu,or--or-" my heart stops when she said that I'm so shocked but so happy at the same time, this is what've been wanting. Ail always said that she wasn't ready to have another child, and she is on medication to prevent pregnancy. God, then this is a miracle, a wonderful surprise.

"Shh, I know I know baby! Oh my God..oh God Thank You!! I am so happy darling, I am-"I said, my eyes teared up in pure joy. "Why didn't you tell me.this morning???"

"I'm nervous Arthur.. I'm afraid you wouldn't be happy about it, but Ursula told me now is the right time to tell you, I just hung up with her and call you right away Arthur," she said.

"You silly lady! Course I would be happy! Is it a boy or a girl?" I asked curiously. Why wouldn't I be happy? This is what I'm waiting for. Maybe she thought the time was not right.

"Arthur I'm only 3 weeks pregnant, love, we don't know about it until at least 4 months later, pea brain!" Said Ail, while chuckling.

"Oh, 3 weeks huh, hey, so it was probably my "valentine's day present that got you pregnant?" I said jokingly. We had wild and sensual Valentine "dinner" last month.

"I'd rather not talk about that, so you were saying that you're gonna be late for dinner? What happen?" Asked ail.

"So, Ruben asked me to scout today, I'm supposed to meet him at the gate 20 minutes from now. I promise I'll be home tomorrow"

"What? But you said you'll investigate tomorrow morning?" Asked Ail.

"Ail, we have to kill this creature immediately, the soundwave doesn't bother him, if he gets near our district, it would be fatal," I explained.

"Arthur I have a bad feeling about this, love, I don't like this.. can you please not go? I don't want you to go. please come home now!" Begs ail, she sounds scared. Which is weird, she never behaves like this. It's unsettling

"I can't, I really have to kill this monster, for the sake of our survival ail, this is serious, the first major attack since 3 years? I know you're worried, maybe it's hormonal thing ail, you're pregnant baby." I said, trying to calm her

"I don't know, something isn't right. I don't know.. please tell me that you know what you're going to do, tell me you have a plan to kill it?" Ail asked, sobbing and crying.

"Yes we have a plan" I lied. I just want her to relax and not think about me that much.

"Okay, Arthur promise me to come back home in one piece?"

"Okay ail, ill give you my word, and you got to tell me which faction she got accepted at," I said.

"Okay, I will, bye Arthur, love you," she said.

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