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After a very tiring and hectic night the day before, I woke up feeling better and relaxed. I don't know how long i have slept, so i check the time on my phone, and was surprised that it's still eight in the morning. It's still a bit early, but i need to get up quickly, i got so many works to do today. I still haven't heard from Ailene, her last message was twelve hours ago, she was worried about me. I'm both relieved and worried at the same time. But i can't call, text, or talk to just anyone, Who knows, my phone might be rigged, even though it is highly unlikely, but i don't want to risk it by calling Ailene/ 

I get off the bed, and head to the bathroom to take a shower, when i found a note on the table outside the bedroom, it was from Esther. 

"I don't have the heart to wake you up, you look tired, so i left your breakfast in the dining room, along with some fresh clothes. take care." 

Aw, she is a thoughtful friend, I'm glad i decided to went here, i could go to McLaggen's house, but it's too close to my neighborhood, could put he and his sister's life in danger. I put the note back on the table, then i see the nice view of the city through her window. Which creates the feeling of peace and tranquility, the interior also feels cozy and comfortable, i might move to an apartment instead, it is cheaper and quiet, but Ailene opposed the idea, she thinks living in a high rise building could be dangerous, but i know she's just afraid of heights. 

But i don't have time to enjoy the view, i need to go to the institute to check the substance inside the syringe i took, speaking of which where is it? I head back inside and check my overcoat, and thankfully, it is still inside my pocket.I grab them and put it back inside, and head to the bathroom.

Her bathroom also feels nice, it smells like a fresh peach. I took a nice cold shower, then grab the clothes from the dining room, and take them inside the guest room. I wear the soft linen trousers and a polo shirt, she knows my style. I ate my breakfast, wear my overcoat, and head outside, i was legitimately worry about her apartment, since i don't have the key to it, but turns out the door automatically locks itself when i shut it. 

On my way to the lift i'm met with a ,an who i assume is one of the resident. He greets me and asked whether I'm new tot he building, which i said no. He clicked the lift for me, since it requires a key card, which i didn't know.

I take the lift down, and head to the grand lobby, where i see some people relaxing in the lounge. I went passed them and outside. I was greeted with a very packed traffic, filled with sports cars wherever i look. Only the richest owns a car, since the permit is usually twice the price of the actual car, i used to want to own a car, but traveling through the pods was faster, and more entertaining, speaking of which, i can't really find the pod station, but i swear it was nearby the last time i went here. 

Maybe it was demolished? But i'm not sure , the concrete jungle confuses me of my surroundings, I ask one of the passerby but none responding to my question. Bloody Hell, people here are loads more arrogant and snobby. Then I stumbled across a sign that says "Pod station" but i still couldn't find it. 

But i realize i have been looking at it all this time. The pod station here looks different, looking more like a small shopping mall instead. It is located not far from Esther's apartment. I went there straight away, and surprised to see it's packed with people. The interior of the pods looks grand though, with heaps of lounges and seating areas, i can also see some coffee shop near the exit, blimey! This is the first time I've been to this station. Looks like they moved the station here for whatever reason. This is also the only station with proper amenities and air conditioning. Probably it was built for the comfort of the people living in the bourgeois neighborhood.

I scan my Transit Card and entered my destination, before it tells me to wait in line 5. I spend a full minute to find the signs, but when i found it, turns out a queue has already formed behind It.

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