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I had set my alarm to wake me up at seven in order to get dress and to atleast eat some breakfast before leaving for my meeting for the "job".

I had dressed in some black jeans-tights which I was able to comfortably run in if I ever needed to. I put on a black shirt which reached all the way down to my mid thigh. I always had to wear large shirts in order to hide my gun from the public, because I never wore a uniform when I was in the CIA.

"Mother I'm leaving" I called out to the huge unnecessary house. It was to big for just my mother and father, it was honestly a waste of space.

Out of no where my mother appeared smiling. "My my my, you look gorgeous honey" she said with tears in her eyes.

"You mean professional right?" I asked unsure if I should change my clothes.

"Yes quite professional. It's just I havent seen you in anything but shorts and a tank top" she piped while wiping a runaway tear drop.

I quickly, awkwardly hugged her for the first time in over twelve years.


"Right this way Miss Banks" a blonde woman who introduced herself as Bonita said leading me down a huge hallway.

"We are all so glad to have another woman working with us" she piped continuing speaking in a strong Spanish accent.

"You see, they are mostly only men working with us as body guards. You will be the first woman because here in Spain there aren't many females in that industry. So on behalf of the entire staff WELCOME" she screamed happily.

Well she seemed rather annoying. All she kept doing was talking and I really didnt wanna be here right now.

She then led me to a huge Mahoney room. There stood three persons, two of which were smiling and the other looking as if he didnt want to be here right now. Atleast that makes two of us.

I recognized the two smiling persons as the King and Queen. Their faces have been from magazine to news papers and frankly all over Spain.

"Welcome Ms.Aguilera or should we call you Ms.Banks?" the Queen said while putting out her well manicured hand for me to shake.

"Thank You, your highness.Ms. Banks is fine" I muttered before shaking her hand respectfully.

"Well lets just cut to the chase shall we?" she inquired watching me with a raised eyebrow waiting for my answer.

"Yes of course" I replied while Bonita led me to a couch to sit.

"We are in urgent need of a personal body guard aka PBG and every file we have look through in Spain just didnt attract my husband and I eyes, so we began asking other countries if they had any specialized agents to do this job protecting our son, the Prince" the Queen explained pointing to her son who was looking rather bored.

"You see, we have had over twenty different PBG for this year alone and every single one has left suddenly without a second glance to the palace" she continued.

I cut her short by asking " why is that?"

"Because Miss I chased them away. It simply not my fault that they can't handle the job and get frightened away. Wimps! that we hired for men atleast" their son, the Prince answered.

"Andros! How dare you interrupt your mother and I meeting with lies" the King snapped. I just stared between the two men not sure what to say.

"¿Mentiras? Ustedes son los únicos mintiendo trayendo un americano aquí para hacer el trabajo. Sabes que ella no sería capaz de manejarlo. Dile la verdad" the Prince in Spanish thinking I didn't understand. He said "Lies? You are the ones lying bringing an American here to do the job. You know she wouldn't be able to handle it. Tell her the truth."

Truth? What wouldn't they telling me? Before anyone could react I replied back to Andros.

"En primer lugar, yo no soy americano en realidad soy un español de nacimiento. Levantado en el centro de Barcelona cerca del enorme castillo. En segundo lugar, ¿qué hay? En tercer lugar estoy muy grande en mi trabajo porque era el mejor y creo que aún soy pero si tiene miedo de un pequeño desafío entonces por favor, déjame salir de su camino y dejar que a un hombre haga este trabajo" Firstly, I'm not American I'm a Spaniard by birth actually. Raised in the middle of Barcelona near the huge castle. Secondly what lies? Thirdly I'm very great in my work because I was the best and I believe I still am but if you are afraid of a little challenge then please let me get out your way and let a man do this job.

All three pair of eyes was on me with their mouth open. Shocked.

But I couldn't help it the Prince was arrogant.

"Ms.Banks, we are awfully sorry that you heard that" the Queen quickly stated being the first to recover.

"Your Highness with all due respect I didnt sign up for this" I said respectively while standing up and getting ready to leave this fucked up place.

"Forgive me, Ms.Banks but I would truly love to work with you" the Prince announced looking sincere but as soon as his parents looked away from him he smirked at me, taunting me in a sarcastic manner.

I wanted to prove them all wrong. I wanted to prove that I could handle this job perfectly.

"Ms.Banks ,please" the King pleaded.

"I would accept this job under one condition" I said raising one finger to show what I meant.

"That I get to apply punishment or anything that needs to be done to deal with the Prince. Because unlike the rest of bodyguards I wouldn't be leaving!" I continued watching each one of the Royal Family in the eye letting them see I was quite serious.

The Prince suddenly snorted loudly making everyone watch him, his parents eyes held open disgust and I kept my blank expression.

"Done" the Queen muttered approving of my offer.

"What? Mom ? Im a Prince and not a child" the Prince whined.

"Well maybe you should start to act like one" I muttered under my breath but they all still heard me.

The Queen looked surprised but amused at the same time. The King held no emotion and the Prince scolded me in outta most disgust.

"Excuse me, Kristin, I can call you Kristin right? Well it's too late now because I did already. I would have you know that I could have you removed from this palace and even from Spain, so please watch how you speak to me" the Prince threatened.

"Andros move away from her now" the Queen snapped. She seeemed to be the only one on my side.

"Anyway so Ms.Banks we accept your condition, whenever you are leaving the palace you must wear a fire arm, it can be of your choice. You move into the West Wing building thats two buildings away from the Prince's room if you need anything just call. We will provide you with a stocked kitchen and shopping money plus your monthly salary" she explained but I interrupted her by asking "Wait! I would be staying here?"

"Yes of course! We are always having functions and parties and the Prince is always out and about" the Queen stated matter-of-factly.

"Umm ok" I replied.

"Why is that a problem for you Kristin?" the Prince teased.

I turned to watch him with pure disgust on my face. He stuck out his tongue at me like a little child.

"Wow how mature" I said rolling my eyes.

"Ok your Highess and Your Majesty I willingly accept" I said before bowing.

"Well can you start from today? Maybe go for your clothes and come back? Because the Prince has a date tonight "she says bouncing up and down excitedly.

"Mother it's not a date" the Prince groaned.

"She is annoying and very clingy and she talks alot" he whined.

"That's why she is perfect for you" his mother stated while rolling her eyes.

"Mom!She is like what 16 and I'm 22" he stated annoyed.

Twenty two? he doesn't even look so old. I quietly excused myself leaving them to quarrel and fight over the date.

The Princess Can Kick AssWhere stories live. Discover now