Our first kiss went a little like............

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The next couple days I stayed in bed allowing my leg to get better Joker was being nice and he started calling me cute nicknames I wasn't bothered by them so I just let him, I was able to walk again without it hurting but I still couldn't go downstairs without it hurting, I was told if I needed anything to walk to the railing and call for Johnny or one of the guys. I needed my clothes washed so I went out the door yelling for someone but no one came then I heard walking, I saw Joker and Johnny walk in the room and look up.

Joker: Yes pet?

Katherine: I need....some clean clothes.

Joker: Of course....Johnny.

He walked up the stairs I told them they were in  a dufflebag he went in and grabbed it and came out I said thank you he went down the stairs out the room Joker had a few words I just tapped the railing, looking back down Joker was leaning on the railing looking at me he smiled and walked up the railing I met him near the end. looking at him he stared back at me I couldn't help but smile bushing I fixed his collar I walked to the room. Going over to the desk I grabbed my drawing pad he got me a week ago, finishing my previous sketch hearing the door shut I knew it was Joker he came over and stood next to me.

Joker: Wow that's amazing.

Katherine: Oh this is just a sketch it's not one of my better ones.

I pointed up to a couple others I drew that were on the wall I put my head back looking up at him he put his hand on my cheek running his fingers down my neck it tickled I crunched my neck his hand got stuck when I loosened he still had his hand there so I went back to drawing.

Joker: Can you draw anyone?

Katherine: Yeah...(I grabbed another pencil) I love drawing people actually.

He moved his hand looking at his face I turned to face him and got a new piece of paper I told him to sit down I sketched his face I decided I was gonna make a cartoon version, I doodled and then I decided to customize it  he looked like a pop figure, when I was done I showed him and he liked it he laughed. I put it on the wall going to stand I was cramping so I went and plopped on the bed turning over I closed my eye's feeling the bed to my left move.

Joker: So is there a.......guy in your life that's missing you right now?

Katherine ( chuckling) No....I was never one for dating I mean I wouldn't mind and I'm all for it but.....they always run away.

Joker: Why cause you work at Arkham?

Katherine: You would think ( I move to my back) but no.

Joker: Why then?

I bit my lip and then I went and moved my shirt and ran my fingers over my scars he sat up on his elbow and looked at me.

Katherine: They say I'm damaged that I'm not pretty and who would want a body like this.

I put my shirt down and I adjusted my pillows to prop up more he moved and came closer to me I saw his eye's turn......lustful, I looked at him up and down I swallowed hard having this feeling I just felt build up in my stomach and move down, I looked at his tattoo's as I followed down his stomach.

Katherine: Why so many tattoo's I mean...for someone who already stands out.

Joker: I don't do it to stand out....I do it to make sure people know who I am.

He moved closer I sat up more against the head rest he stopped.

Joker: Your not damaged Katherine ( lifting my shirt) Your a fighter.

I don't know what happened next but I grabbed his face and kissed him I pulled myself closer to him and kissed him passionately, I ran my hand over his cheek and around to his hair when I let go I looked at him covering my mouth I looked away and him and he still looked at me and his face looked blank but surprised in his eye's.

Katherine: I'm sorry.

I went to get up and go to the bathroom I scurried in there and I shut the door, I leaned against it I was breathing heavy going to the sink I washed my face closing my eye's I can't do it I shouldn't...but I really want to I mean to feel his skin and to just......there was knock on the door.

Katherine: Yes.........Hello

I turned and went to the door and when I opened it I saw no one I walked out and Joker was gone I went further into the room feeling arms wrap around me, then felt lips to my neck and I was still that feeling that traveled from my stomach down reached it's point. 

Joker: Do you trust me?


I was turned around and picked me up I wrapped my legs around him I put my fingers through his hair I could feel his growth and I wanted it, We walked to the bed and he placed me down he then rubbed up against me putting his lips to mine we kissed he ran his hands to mine and pinned me down, I pushed into him and I felt him push back he was ready and so was I, he moved his hands and I pushed my shorts off undid his shirt he rolled us under the sheets I propped myself on a pillow and he kissed me again.

Joker: Ready?

I shook my head and he moved his hand down and then he pushed into me I gripped his shoulders and I gave a heavy moan ,I felt him move faster he placed his hands on my face and kissed me hard. I pushed back putting my hands on his chest he was hovered over me thrusting harder and harder I just moaned he did as well. I felt his arm snake around my waist he pulled me up I sat on him as he thrusted deeper into me I grabbed his face and kissed him hard, I road him as he just gripped my tighter. I rolled us over pinning his arms down as I pushed into him hard fucking him he put his head back kissing his neck I ran them down getting off him, I looked up and he had a panicked look on his face smiling I went down taking him in I could feel him work with me and move his hips up and down I sucked harder then I finally felt a release it filled in me and I ate it all. I waited till he was done removing my face getting up and licked my lips he was still on the bed breathing hard.

I got off the bed and put one of his shirts on and walked to the bathroom I closed the door smiling I brushed my teeth I couldn't stop laughing, I just burst out laughing not being able to stop I saw the door open and he looked at me.

Joker: Someone's happy.

Katherine: I can't believe that happened. 

He walked closer and I grabbed his waist band to his pants pulling him closer.

Joker: Maybe it was something you needed.

He picked me up carrying to the bed I was laid down he put us under the sheets and he placed his head on my chest, of course after removing a few buttons we fell asleep I slipped into a wonderful dream.

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