Chapter 4

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Marcel's Pov.

I wake up to a large crash. I jolt upright and look at the time. 1:43? What's going on? I grab the baseball bat to my right and open the door slowly. With my heart beating 1000 MPH , I tip-toe down the hallway to where the soun- CRASH, what the heck? I walk in swinging the bat, only to see no one there. I see the loud crash was a vase and some picture frame. How did his happen? I check everywhere, nothing! Then I turn around to see my dog max standing there looking up at me. "Max! You scared me to death!! Did you do this? Bad dog!" He looks up at me with his famous sorry eyes. How could I say no to that? "Okay max, come on in my room, you can sleep in here." He follows happily into my room. As soon as I close my door I almost swear I can hear someone whispering, probably just my imagination.

Tom's Pov.

"I told you to wait until the next day when he's alone!!" Mark yells at me, I roll my eyes "Why does it matter, you told me to make him prom king so why not start as soon as possible? By the looks of him I'm going to need all the time I can get" I say. "He is the only one that can see you, if he goes around saying that you are "haunting" him, everyone will think he's crazy and he will never become prom king! You need to get him when he's alone that way you can explain it to him before he runs off" Mark says. "This is fucking stupid!!" I yell "You can always quit, but you would have to be sent to hell, it's your choice" he tells me. I'm really starting to hate this guy. I roll my eyes and say "whatever." I can't go to hell.

A/N: This is the next day at school:)

Marcel's Pov.

On my way to school I can't stop thinking about how this day is going to go. I get my mind off of it by turning on some music. When I finally arrive at school, I meet up with one of my friends, oops I mean my ONLY friend. Leeroy. I say "hey" and we continue with just a normal conversation until the bell rings. We were told instead of going to our first period class to go to the auditorium. Everyone knows what this is about. Tom. Here we go.....

Tom's Pov.

I sneak in , who am I kidding I'm a ghost, I walk in to see my picture on a stand and the principle standing next to it. Damn I look good in that picture. "As we all know the terrible accident that occurred last night. Tom Jones will be missed, well would anyone like to say anything?" The principle says. No one does anything. I wait a couple of seconds, nothing. Are you kidding me?! "SERIOUSLY? NOBODY? Hey Alice what about you?! You whore! Oh and none of my so called best friends want to say anything you just sit in the corner and laugh. FUCK YOU!" I yell. "Anybody? Don't be shy? C'mon." The principle says. Again, nothing. The principle sighs and says "Okay guys, get to your second period classes now." Everyone immediately gets up, "No one wants to say anything? Really? Wow just wow." I see some one staring at me. MARCEL! "HEY YOU! MARCEL" He looks at me and runs away. Where the fuck is he going? I run after him "MARCEL, STOP!" He runs into a supply closet, he thinks I didn't see him. I run into the supply closet and lock the door. "Damn you run fast" I say trying to catch my breath. He just stands there staring at me. "Why the fuck are you staring at me?" He looks down, "are you gunna say something or what?" "I can't see you, I'm imagining you, I'm going crazy!" He says holding his head. This is going to take a long time

to explain....Ugh

Hey, sorry these chapters have been so short!! I will try and make them longer as the story continues. Love all you guys!! -K

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