Chapter 8

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A/N: Since Marcel goes by Harry now I will be saying Harry's Pov. Instead of Marcel's.

Harry's Pov.

"Bro that was amazing! I did such a good job" he says patting him self on the back.

I roll my eyes. "Don't get happy yet, you still have to get me to become prom king"

He sighs "I know, I know"

"Time to get you contacts!!!"

"Ugh I told you, I've tried them before!! They don't work for me"

"These will be different!"


We walk into the building to get my contacts.

"Welcome! How may help you?"

"Hi, I would like to get contacts"

"Okay, come on back!"

I smile and follow her to the back

Tom's Pov.

Since Harry won't be out for a while, I decide to check on my family and see how they are doing.

I walk into my huge house, oh did I forget to mention that I'm or was rich? Yeah well I was.

I walk in to see my sister, Mary on the couch looking at old photos, she has a sad look on her face like she is about to cry.

At least she cares about me. I wish I paid more attention to her when I was I alive. She really is a sweet girl.

Then my dad walks in. My sister runs up to him and says

"Hey dad, I was wondering if all of us could make a collage of all the pictures of Tom, as a family" she says with her eyes full of hope.

Still on his phone with out looking up he says

"Hmmm? Oh honey I don't know, mom and I have been really busy lately, hmmmm and it will be kinda hard on us, yeah that's it"

She looks down at her feet,

"Yeah...okay" she says and looks like she's about to cry.

"DAD! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?! She's trying to talk to you!! All you ever did was work work work! You never paid any attention to us!!" I say out of desperation.

"Maybe some day, honey" he says walking away

"HOW COULD YOU DO THAT TO HER!! What kind of dad are you?!" I yell

Mary goes back to the couch and continues looking at old photos but this time she is silently crying.

Harry's Pov.

Where is Tom? He said he would meet me right after I was done. I've been waiting for 15 minutes. I guess I'll go home.

*At Harry's home*

"Mom, I'm home!!!"

"Hey Marcel, how was your day? Wait you got contacts?"

"Good and yeah, do you like them?"

"They look great" she says smiling but I see her eyes tearing up.

"Mom? Are you okay? Why are you crying?"

"You just look so much like your father"

I smile and go in to hug her.

"Now now, I will go make dinner" she says acting like she never cried, haha that's my mom for you, she doesn't like when she appears weak.

I smile and walk up to my room.

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