The Brother from Hell

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**Jackson's P.O.V.**

It all happened so fast. The door slamming, the shadows moving, and finally my brother appearing. I hugged onto Max sitting up a bit watching as my older brother appearing out of the shadows. He was tall and skinny with black hair like mine but his eyes were nowhere near mine. They were a fiery red like the fires of hell were gathered in his eyes. I sat there watching, waiting for him to make a move or to say something. Just then he smirked and started talking with a deep booming voice, "So...after all these years my little brother was kicked out of heaven and sent to Earth, but instead of contacting me he stayed here with a human girl. How pathetic." I stiffed and slowly slipped out from under Max causing her to stair a bit. I stood up and looked at my brother, "You know damn sure that you could've saved your girl Lacy years ago you would've stayed on Earth too." His smirk faded and his hands made fist, "Don't you DARE talk about Lacy. You didn't know her at ALL!! She was the sweetest human ever...but those jocks drugged her. They raped and killed her, I-I was to late to save her. I would've went to prison if I stayed. They would've blamed ME for NOTHING!!" Just then Max set up rubbing her eyes, "J-Jackson? Who are you talking to and why are you talking about Lacy?" My brother's eyes widened and he slowly walked over, "You....You know about Lacy? How?" She yawned softly and shrugged like she was talking to just me, "She was my best and only friend back in school. We ran track together and went to the mall almost everyday. Then when she got a boyfriend she started hanging out with me less and less. She quit the track team and left me alone. I never knew why though. But then she went to a party and...s-she never made it o-out of the house..." Just then tears slipped from Max's eyes and she started sobbing. I sat down next to her and hugged her tightly and protectively. She held onto me like it was the first time in forever. My brother was watching us shocked that another being had loved Lacy as much as he did. He soon retreated by into  the shadows without another word. I sighed softly and looked at Max. She looked back at me and asked softly, "Who was that guy and how does he know about Lacy?"

**Max's P.O.V.**

After Jackson explained everything about his brother Carter it was all clear. Lacy's death was not his fault. It was the drugs that those guys gave her at the party she went to. I hugged onto Jackson and sighed softly when I felt him hug me back. My door then opened and my mom walked in, "Hurry up you two. Dinner is getting cold." I nod and stand up with Jackson. We both walk down to the kitchen and sit at the table. We all start eating and my dad looks at me, "So, have you figured out what collage you want to go to Max?" I jump softly and look at him, "Actually dad, I'm still looking. But I'm thinking about a collage close to home or maybe an internet school or something." He then looks up and drops his fork, "An internet school?" My mom backs up a bit and bites her lip softly. I look up at him and he looks back at me, "No daughter of mine is going to do an internet school!" I jump and look up at him. He sighs, "I'm sorry. I always thought that the real teaching is in the books and hard working." I nod and look down, "Sorry dad. I'll start looking as soon as soon as I can. I promise." He nods and stands up kissing my forehead, "Well I have a long day tomorrow. Goodnight you three." I smile and nod as he walks out. Jackson and I stand up and walk to the sink. I was about to wash the dishes when my mom stopped me, "No. I got them tonight. You two go off to bed. You have a long day of looking for a collage tomorrow." I nod and Jackson takes my hand as we walk upstairs. I look at him and he smiles, "Well we have a long day tomorrow. Goodnight princess." I smile and we both lay down and he hugs me close. I smile and fall asleep into a deep sleep. 

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