Chapter 25

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Pan's P.O.V.

I teleported myself to the lost boys and started yelling out orders to Felix. I needed to stop Emma and her little gang of people who won't accept defeat before they leave Neverland. I know Rumple, he probably has found a loophole and a way off the island by now. It's probably just like his son Bae did, I wouldn't be surprised if he trapped my shadow like last time, I haven't seen him in a while.

Double checking I had everything I made sure the lost boys that are needed were on there way to the bloody pirates ship. When I was about to leave camp with a party of lost boys I heard my name being called above all the chaos.

"Peter!" I heard it again, this time the voice was closer. I knew who it was immediately, Megan.

I knew I was fired up and mad and didn't want her to face that wrath. I could tell the monster inside was trying to take over but I was fighting it with everything I had. Sadly, I was loosing the battle.

"Peter! There you are! Where have you been?" Megan asked taking hold of my arm.

"Around." I said and continued walking.

"Hey, what's up?" She asked. I kept walking so she pushed me against the nearest tree. Please Meg, don't. I silently prayed in my head.

Megan's P.O.V.

I new it wasn't a good time but I need to find out about Henry. Peter seemed deep in thought when I called his name and when he tried to shut me out I got mad.

I shoved him into the closest tree and pinned his arms to his sides. "Ok what is your problem?!" I yelled. His eyes were really dark green, no longer the forest green I've come to know and love. Some would say they look almost black.

"Meg." He growled. "Let me go. Now."

"Not until I get some answers. Now you listen to me-" I didn't have enough time to finish my sentence until Peter flipped us over to where my arms were pinned above my head. His face was so close I could feel his breath hit me.

"No. You listen to me. I will not be ordered around by someone. Especially a dumb girl that doesn't know when to keep her pretty little mouth shut." I struggled against his grip but couldn't escape, he was much stronger than me.

"Let go of me! Your nothing but a monster!" I yelled at him. I watched as his eyes turned even darker, if that was even possible, and his grip on my wrists to tighten. He came even close to me and leaned down so he was whispering in my ear.

"You better keep your mouth shut or I'm going to shut it for you." He said and sent me a look that begged me to challenge him.

I didn't back down, I held my ground and looked him dead in the eye. I now realize that was a big mistake on my part. Peter pushed himself so hard up against me it was like he was trying to push me through the tree. He smirked, not playfully I may add, that made shivers run down my spine. Leaning his head down I felt his hot breath against my ear as he started nibbling on my earlobe. I moved my head away from his touch and let my gaze drift off towards the forest.

"Megan." He said his voice soft and almost inaudible. I shook my head and continued to ignore him. I would try and leave but he has an iron grip I can't escape. "MEGAN!" He yelled in my face. He grabbed my chin with one hand while holding my wrists with his other. He pushed my chin up so I was looking at the sky and he started assaulting my neck. Biting as hard as he can, he moves straight to my sweet spot and it took everything in me not to let a sound escape my lips. I new I would have bruises later. "You can't ignore me forever my little lost girl." He whispered against my neck. Placing a soft kiss where he was harassing me, he moved his head so he looked me straight in the eyes. I saw lust and darkness in them, not a good combination if you ask me.

"Did you kill Henry?" I asked cutting right to the point. Most of the lust in his eyes disappeared, replaced by jealousy.

"I don't know what your talking about." He said. Now it was his turn not to look at me.

"That is bullshit! He disappeared yesterday and guess what, you weren't anywhere to be found either. Peter why would you do this you know how much Henry means to me I can't believe-" I stopped when I felt a stinging sensation on my face. Peter's hands were by his side and mine went automatically to the side of my face. He actually hit me. I looked up at him, still holding my stinging cheek with tears threatening to spill. As soon as it happened I could see regret written all over his face, but he couldn't take back what he did.

"Megan, I-" his voice soft and caring.

"Save it." I spat at him and walked past him, hitting his shoulder roughly as I walked by. He stayed where he was, starring at the spot I was at. I walked into camp and climbed up to the tree house. When I got to the master bedroom I locked the door and collapsed on the bed, letting my tears burst free.

Peter's P. O. V.

I watched as Megan pushed me, like I wasn't really there. I couldn't feel, couldn't say what was on my mind, couldn't control my actions. My inner demon was taking over. Oh god Megan. Get out of here while you still can.

I don't remember what happened but as soon as I felt my hand connect with something I knew whatever it was was bad. Megan starred back at me, tears on the verge of spilling at what I had done. Looking to her face I realized what happened. I hit her, I hit Megan. The girl I would die for, she was my everything. My oxygen, my light in this dark place I call home, my world. And I laid a harmful hand on her. I'm supposed to be the one to protect her, to love her and watch out for her. But just like Wendy said long ago, I destroy everything I touch.

"Megan, I-" I wanted to explain what happened, tell her of my inner demons and their desire to take control over me. They send thoughts in my head I don't want there, telling me to kill someone or hurt someone. This time Megan was their victim and I just barley broke free before they could do worse, or possibly kill her.

"Save it." She spat at me. I could feel all the venom and hate she put in those two words and it broke my heart. Seeing her like this, her cheek red a bruise already starting to form, it wanted me to try and do anything to make it better. To kiss her and tell her it would all be ok. To hold her and never let go. And to take the pain I created away.

She ran off away from me and it took every bone in my body not to go after her, to get on my hands and knees and beg for her forgiveness, but I knew it was too late. She was right, I am a monster.

I know I know I'm sorry! I actually cried writing this chapter😭. We saw a little of dark Peter in here and his thoughts, did you guys like his POV? I felt his pain while writing this and it made my heart break:( sorry everyone for doing that to you, I'll pass the tissues if u need. There are about FIVE more chapters to this book, sadly, so keep looking for updates. Love you all, please comment/vote/follow!


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