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Officer Dawn & Beth Greene


[Officer Dawn speaks to Beth about working off her owed time at the hospital]
Officer Dawn Lerner: You know, you shouldn't see this as a sentence. I'm giving you food, clothes, protection. When have those things ever been free?
Beth Greene: I never asked for your help.
Officer Dawn Lerner: But you needed it. Try to look at the good we're doing. Hard as it was, we saved Joan's life. Trevitt's life. We saved your life. I'm keeping us all going here. That is not a small thing. It's taken a lot to get us here, Beth. And I believe what we had before all of this isn't over. And when we're finally rescued, when this nightmare ends, we're gonna need to rebuild.
Beth Greene: You don't really think someone's coming for us?
Officer Dawn Lerner: There's still people like us, Beth. People trying to keep the world alive, to fix it. Until then, we all have to contribute. To compromise. If we take, we give back. It's only fair. So keep working off what you owe and you'll be out of here in no time. If that's what you want.
Beth Greene: It is.
Officer Dawn Lerner: Well, then you have to eat. Otherwise, you'll get weak. You won't heal, you'll require more treatments, and you won't be able to do your job. I know you didn't ask for this. I didn't either.


[Dawn tells Beth the truth of what she see's in Beth]
Officer Dawn Lerner: Every sacrifice we make needs to be for the greater good. The second it isn't, the second we lose sight of that, it's all over. The thing is, you're not the greater good. You're not strong enough.
Beth Greene: I am strong.
Officer Dawn Lerner: How many people had to risk their lives to save you? In here, you are part of a system. The wards keep my officers happy. The happier my officers are, the harder they word to keep us going. And this hasn't been easy. There have been compromises, but it's working. And after they rescue us, we're gonna help put the world back together. Because we're the ones holding on. That's the good we're doing here. That's the good you're doing here. That makes you worth something. But out there... you are nothing. Except dead or somebody's burden.
Beth Greene: That's bullshit.
Officer Dawn Lerner: Oh, yeah? I saw this the night you came in.
[Dawn holds up Beth's arm revealing the cut on Beth's wrist]
Officer Dawn Lerner: Is this bullshit, too? Some people just aren't made for this life, and that's okay. As long as they don't take advantage of the one's who are.

The walking dead // ZitateWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt