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"It's only been two days." Story whispered to no one as she looked at him. His hands only warm because she was clutching them tightly with her own. Tears rolled from her eyes and ran down their hands. Michael's wedding ring was loose on his finger, whenever it caught light, made her cry even harder. A tattooed hand was rubbing her back as silent tears came from his eyes. Calum didn't know how to deal with his best friend's death anymore than Story did. It was two days after their "honeymoon" and Michael's been gone for a few hours. "Story, we've gotta let the doctor take him now." Ashton said from the doorway as he held Luke in his arms. "No. I can't let him go." Story cried, her grip on his hands tightened. "Story we have to let him go." Calum heard himself saying as he pried her hands off of Michael's body. "No!" She screamed and cried, fighting as Calum took her out of the room, while the doctor's took him to the morgue. "No!" Story cried, thrashing around in Calum's grip. Calum cried and Ashton looked at the sight and covered his mouth with his free hand and shut his eyes.  "Shhh. Everything's gonna be okay." Calum whispered as he trap her in his grip, making sure she couldn't move to hurt herself or anyone around her. "He's gone." She cried into Calum's shoulder. 

Tears fell from his eyes once again as he listened to her cry. 

Sweater Paws {michael clifford}{completed}Where stories live. Discover now