Chapter 1

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The sun's blinding rays of light woke me up. What time is it anyways? 8 a.m.?

As usual, I'm going to be late, again. I stayed late last night because I wanted to finish the 7th episode of "Painters of the Wind" till 4 in the morning, when I finally fell asleep.

Yet, here I am again, obliged to go to school so that I could study and listen to the day's lessons as what is expected of me. My life's routine has been always the same, repeating itself to the point where it's going nowhere and I only sense boredom. Is there anything new? Does finishing my studies really is ideal to make my dreams come true?

And what is my dream? Oh! I have always wanted to go back in the past, in Joseon Era or Yuan Dynasty.

I really, really love watching Sageuk dramas. I don't know why, but I just do. (Sageuk is a Korean Historical Drama or uses Historical backdrop).

Now that's an ideal dream! I know, I have a weird dream for starters but that is what I want. That is what I call the dream of my life. So what is the use of studying?

I understand that first I need to cope up with the real world. I need to go with the flow.

I'm Mirajane Domingo, 19 years of age and a 3rd year college student.


I went inside the room, my mood's darker than before. The reporter for today's lesson stands up at the same time I sit down to my chair.

"Good morning, classmates! My report is a narrative essay about the life of Genghis Khan and the Mongols."

The reporter started to go through the story of her topic, rambling about the life of Genghis Khan which grabbed my attention. I'm familiar with that name and I have always heard about it whenever I watch some Sageuk drama. Its history was so cool!

After the class, I immediately went home so that I can continue watching some dramas since I have received no assignments to do today.

The next day, I traveled to Quiapo to attend the mass. I visited my favorite candle seller and bought a few of what the seller insists as the enchanted candles. These were so-called enchanted candles because it can grant people's wishes. Although I am aware that this kind of thing might be bogus and that my dreams might be too impossible for it to come true, still I always bought these candles and light them up.

On my way home, I bumped to an elderly man, whom stumbled down to the pavement. Mumbling my apologies, I quickly lend a hand and helped him to get up. When he's able on his feet, I'm surprised that he's staring at me. I know that I'm very pretty and lots of guys tend to have a liking on me but, dear me, I don't want this old geezer to get attracted to me as well!

But the old man suddenly speaks. "I see in your eyes an intense desire. A great desire to want something that you shouldn't think about."

"Pardon?" Wait? What is he saying?

"If you wanted it so badly, then this should be able to help you." The old man handed me a necklace. "Speak your desires softly on that necklace before you go to bed and I assure it will all come true."

"Wow! Really? Thank you!" Though I know it is just a wishful thinking, there's still nothing wrong if I try right?

"Oh, by the way pretty girl, that will cost you 150 pesos," the old geezer added with a laugh.

My sweet smile turned sour. "Is that so? Geez, you're just having sales talk after all, old man."

He brushed away my irritation. "Oh come on, you. Its effective and your money won't get to waste for it'll help me for my day to day food conquest."

"Oh alright. You're lucky I have money on me. Here, take this money, 200 pesos, and keep the change."

The old man chuckled. "Goodbye then pretty girl!"

When he finally distanced himself a good few meters, I mumbled my frustration. "Geez! The old man tricked me!" After that, I finally went back home, but before I went to bed, I did what the old man said.

"I wish that my dreams would come true. I wish I could travel back in time, back to the Joseon Era or Yuan Dynasty. Please...please...please... I really don't want to be in this century!"

After I made my wish on the necklace, I lie down and easily fell in a deep slumber.


end of chapter 1

hope you like it! ^^,

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