Chapter 5

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It is now the King's name day. Many people attended this grandiose celebration and all of them looked like they belong with the regal. I am getting a bit antsy because I am not really good at playing the gayageum but my associates just advises me to stay poised and elegant, and I should never let it show if I make some mistakes.

A royal guard beats the gong, signaling us gisaeng to begin our performance. I played rather well and just as what they told me, when I made a few mistakes, I didn't show it and just continue playing.

Finally, our performance ends. I decided to tour the palace by myself. The scenery is just so magnificent, flowers bloomed in every walkway I passed, there's a cool breeze and I saw a small river in one corner of the palace, with a bridge above it. While taking a stroll, a sudden image of dancing girls in front of the King enters my mind. Their kind of dance is very different, very traditional. I suddenly have the urge to dance pop-style moves, I kind of miss it. Well, naturally there's nobody here to see me because everyone's busy celebrating.

I started busting my moves with the flowers as my audience, when I hear someone coughs. That made me startled and quickly, I turn to face the man standing behind me. It's like I was frozen from where I am standing as soon as I recognize the Crown Prince base on his clothing and because he was already introduced earlier by the King. I quickly bow to him as a sign of respect.

"What are you doing here?"

"Pardon me, your majesty, I have no ill intention, I just wanted to feel the cold air outside."

The Crown Prince laughs. "Do not get worried. This place is not restricted these days."

"Thank you!" I answered while my head still in a bow.

"But what is it that you're doing just a moment ago?"

"Eh? Oh, uhm, I was dancing."

"You are? What kind of dance is it?"

"It's a kind of dance that is popular in my country, your Majesty."

"Really? How astonishing, you are not only skillful in playing the gayageum but you are also a good dancer, even though it is a bit unusual." He chuckled.

I laugh with him.

"From what country were you from?" he inquires.

"It's very far from here, your Majesty, a very distant place."

"Is that so? But I think it's a beautiful place." He said with a smile.

"Hmm- it's okay. This place is more beautiful, your Majesty."

"That is true. It is more beautiful here because of gorgeous girls, like you." The Crown Prince adds with a proud laugh.

I was slightly embarrassed with his words, yet I replied my gratefulness with a smile.

"Thank you very much, your Majesty."

"Alright then, I'm afraid I need to leave for now, my lady. I wish we could see each other again and we can converse more about the things your country has."

My eyes caught his in wonder.

"Thank you for sparing me your time, your Majesty." I said with a small smile.

He turned around, walked a few steps, and then he abruptly stops and faces me again. "Oh, my lady, may I ask of your name?" asked the Crown Prince.

I smiled wider and said, "Mirajane. I am called Mirajane."

He returned it with a broad smile of his own and finally left. I traced my way back to my fellow gisaeng and went back to the gisaeng house.


end of chapter 5. 

keep reading ^^,

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