Chapter Two

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"Kaylee, sweetheart time to go to school." Mom says gently tapping on my door. I knock back, so she's knows Im awake.

I slide into a pair of skinny jeans, zip up a black hoodie over a grey tank-top then lace up my Converse. One more day until I get my license.

Mom always tells me I have good karma. She says that because I have no voice I have effortless beauty. Kayce, who talks enough for me and Kayla is pretty, but it's certainly not effortless. She wakes up so early to do her hair and make-up.

I pour scalding hot coffee in a thermos and begin the walk to school. We only live a mile away, so I just walk. Kayce and Kayla take the bus, but I find it useless.

Halfway to the school, a shiny black Jeep Commander pulls up beside me.

"Hey, you wanna ride?" Flynn calls out the window.

I nod and climb in the passenger seat of his car. It's so warm in the car that the windows start to fog.

"Sorry I ran off yesterday. You really surprised me. I never got your name yesterday. What is it?"

I turn to the window by me and write "Kaylee"

"Oh cool. What grade are you in? Like I told you yesterday I'm a junior. I have a brother that's a freshman. He's lived here longer than I have."

I don't answer him, because we pull into the school. I pull my hood over my head and duck out of the Commander before anybody see's me.

"Kaylee wait!" He yells after me.

I don't look back as I run inside the doors. He doesn't know that I'm not the person to be seen hanging out with.

My shoes squeak as I dart toward my first hour class, which is American Sign Language. At my high school we are required to take foreign language, so I chose ASL. I didn't want to, but there is no way I could pass the spoken exams thus putting me in this class.

"Good Morning, Kaylee. How are you this morning?" My teacher signs.

"I'm doing good, thank you for asking." I sign back.

The tardy bell rings and people stop filtering in.

The door in the bursts open and Fylnn comes in the room, and hands the teacher a slip of paper "Im really sorry, it's my first day here, and I had to get my schedule."

"It's alright. Please take a seat next to Ms. Hale" the teacher signs.

Fylnn, obviously confused takes a seat next to me.

"It's ASL, no talking. Get used to it." I scribble on a piece of paper.

He passes the paper back "You'll just have to tutor me. Do you need a ride home today?"

"Sure. I don't need a ride, but it would be nice." I lob the paper at Flynn and it hits him square in the face. I explode into silent laughter.

The final note says "Hey now. Let's play nice! Meet me by my car after school, okay?"

I nod and pay attention to the lesson.


"Ping, ping, ping" Our principal had this wonderful idea of changing the bell tone, so now it's sounds like a car when you don't buckle up your seatblelt.

It's the final bell of the day. Halls are now raceways. The track coach should stand here to draft people for Varsity.

Lockers slam, the jocks all head down the halls to the locker rooms for after school sports, and people file out to the parking lots.

Taking cover under my hood, I swerve around the crowds of people. I make a mad dash to the parking lot.

I'm almost out the doors. The Commander is in my vision range.

"Mission accomplished!" I think to myself, very proudly.

Two feet away from the Jeep a hand shoots out and grabs me by the waist, and the other covers my eyes. I can't scream. Of course I can't scream.


(Amazingly fabulous authors note) Hope y'all like it. The bell thing is true about my school and it annoys the crap out of me! I wrote this from my phone, and didn't spell check of proof-read so there will be some mistakes. Comment and tell me what you think is gonna happen next!

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