Chapter One

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Hello my lovelies this is chapter one of my new story. Hope y'all love it.


 I feel a slight pang of envy in my chest as Kayce slams the front door and yells "Mom, I'm home!"

"Please, stop staring at me. If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say it at all. Oh wait!" Kayce snaps at me.

"Kayce! That was extremely rude. Be nice to Kaylee or she won't drive you to the mall when she gets her license!"

Typical Kayla. She's the most mature twelve year olds I know, and i'm very proud to call her my sister.

Kayce contemplates a minute before hissing "Not worth it." and storming off.

My youngest sister wraps me in a hug that I've been waiting for all day. "Kayce is a witch with a b." Kayla whispers. I giggle silently and nod.

I kiss Kayla on the cheek, then trudge upstairs to get started on homework.

My near ancient bed lets out a groan as I sit on it. I prop myself up with pillows, and with Biology text book and binder in lap, I start my dreaded homework.

About an hour and a half into studying I hear a knock at my door.

"Jeez, you should keep the noise down in here!"

I open my notebook and scribble "Honest to God, Kayce, what do you want?" Then I fold it up and chuck it at her, standing in the doorway with a towel on her head.  "I want to borrow those shoes." She says, pointing at my beloved Converse high-tops. I rip out another sheet of paper and write "Now why in the hell should I let you borrow my shoes????"

"Because, me and Emily are gonna go emo soon, and those shoes totally match my jeans. You know the ones that are like all shredded, super tight, bleached on one side? Oh. My. God. They are so cute. I'm wearing them with a Paramore t-shirt that I cut down the sides, then tied back together. Plus I did this."

She plucks the towel off her head and instead of seeing her normal chocolate brown hair I see bleached blond, choppily cut hair with a side fringe that swooped below her eyes.

"Oh my God. Mom is going to kill you. Please tell me that's a wig. And no, you  may not borrow my shoes an account of your rude remark earlier." I write so fast my hand hurts.

"Sad face!" Kayce announces, before running into out mom in the hall.

"Kayce Marie Hale, you have ten second to explain to me what the hell you were thinking when you ruined your damn hair!" Mom screams. Mom doesn't normally blow up like this, but I can tell she's pissed.

"Leave me the hell alone!" Kayce yells back.

"Watch your mouth young lady!"

"Watch my mouth my ass!"

"You have until tomorrow to get your hair back to it's natural color, and if I hear another cuss word out of your mouth you never get to see Jace again!" Mom counters.

"Shit, ass, bitch, hell, fu-"

"Young lady, you were not  just going to say what I think you were going to. Give me your cell phone, iPod, and laptop, now! And I don't want you seeing that Jace boy anymore. He's a bad influence on you!'' Mom cuts off Kayce, right before she said the forbidden word.

"YOU JUST WISH I WAS PERFECT LIKE HER!" Kayce screams at the top of lungs, then slams her door.

Damn. That girl needs anger management classes.


I scratch a note on a piece of scrap paper telling my mom where i'm going then I close the door behind me.

When I get to the park, I climb onto the rusty old jungle gym. The flimsy old bars squeak in protest as I shift around and get comfortable. Only now I realize, I'm not alone.

A boy that looks about my age sits on the slide across the park from me. He waves at me, and begins making his way over to me.

"I'm Flynn, and you are?"

I give him a nod, but nothing else.

"Are you deaf" He blurts.

I shake my head. I'm used to the question.

He then assumes that means he call tell me his life story, and that he does.

"I really have to go now. Will I ever see you again?"

I nod my head

"Can I get your word on that?"

I scan the concrete and find what i'm looking for. I take a sharp rock and scan the swing poles for any remaining room. Between 'J+E' and 'I <3 N' I carve "I'm mute."

Flynn's eyes go wide and without a word he takes of running down the street.

Way to go, Kaylee, Scare him off.

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