Chapter Four

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Fourty-three hours later they find Kayce. She turned herself into a police station about fifteen miles away from our house. When we get home, she apologizes. Kayce? Apologize? I thought I was dreaming. Running away really changed her. She's more quiet and doesn't pull any more stupid stunts. She dyes her back to it's normal color. The biggest shocker? She does homework now.


I apply my chap-stick in a dull, waxy line across my lips, run my fingers through my hair, and quick check in the mirror. A tired-looking girl with pale skin and dark circles under her eyes stares back at me. Ain't I a beauty? I think to myself before zipping up my smoke grey Columbia fleece, and lacing up my Chuck Taylors.

When I get down-stairs Mom gives me that I-wish-you-would-dress-like-other-girls-and-wear-some-color-for-once-but-I-do-love-you-anyways look. 

"Good-morning!" Kayce pipes up from the table. I throw a knowing nod back. "Did you sleep okay?" She says, cocking her head slightly at the dark bags under my eyes. Shaking my head, I wave "Goodbye", grab my bag, and head out the door.

The cold air slaps me in the face when I step out the door. Hugging my arms around tightly around myself, I start the trek to the dreaded school.

Even though I shouldn't be, I'm surprised when I see Flynn's shiny black Jeep out of the corner of my eye. He pulls over.  "Hale, need a ride?" He half-shouts out the window. I shake me head and keep walking, wanting to be alone. "Kaylee! Please! You're gonna get pneumonia!" 

Keep walking, Kaylee. Keep walking. 

"Hale! I'm not going any where until you let me give you a ride!" Well, no sense is making us both late.

After I buckle my seat belt I cock an eyebrow giving Flynn an 'are you happy' look? He smiles and pushes the gas. In minutes we're in front of the school. "Walk with me to first period?" Flynn says more then asks. I duck out of the car and  run.

Sliding into my seat, out of habit I reach for a hood to pull over my head. Crap. All my hoodies are in the wash, so i'm wearing my Columbia, which doesn't have a hood. I hang my head down so my hair covers my face.

"Kaylee, stop running from me!" Flynn whispers. I hadn't even heard him come in.

I turn my head in the opposite direction, not in the mood to communicate. A neatly folded piece of paper lands in front of me. 

"Kaylee, please don't be mad at me. There's the Homecoming football game this Friday, then a dance after. Wanna go with me?" Inside the note is a ticket to the Homecoming Dance. How could I say no?

"Yes, I'll go with you." I write back. My school is known to only have two formal dances, Prom, and the Sweet-Heart dance. So I should be okay for Homecoming.


"Ping-Ping-Ping" The final bell goes off. Somebody taps me and the shoulder. I turn around and my eyes fall on Catherine Miller. She's a human version of barbie. Her manicured hands rest on her hips, one hip slightly jutted out. She sighs and cocks her head, her bleached blonde curls bounce despite the hairspray coating her locks. The tips of her eyelashes reach the bubble-gum pink eyeshadow on her lids.

"I hear you're going to Homecoming with Flynn. I think that it's so cool that he's that generous to go with somebody like you. I know he's new around here, but trust me he will be mine."

My hands curl into balls at my sides. Next thing I know, my fist comes into contact with her perfect jaw. Her hand flies up to the side of her face. I'm breathing heavy, my feet are glued to the floor.

"That freak hit me!" She squeals, her mob of Barbies surrounding her.

A familiar looking girl pats me on the shoulder "Good job. I'm just kinda pissed you beat me to it." She says winking. I rack my brain for her name.

Lyssa? Leena? Lauren? Liv! Her name is Liv! I give a small smile and sprint out of the school. I don't stop running until I get home.


"I'm giving both of you a week of detention, because you're a good students, and I know this will never happen again." The Principal says. Catherine and I are sitting in his office, awaiting our punishments.

"Not fair!" She shrieks. "I cannot miss cheer practice! Homecoming is this Friday!"

"It is too fair, but I wont give you detention this week, because after all, we do need you on the cheer ream." Catherine throws a dirty smirk in my direction. "I'm giving you two weeks, starting next Monday, you girls are dismissed."

If looks could kill, I would chillin' with my Great Grandma Betty.


Authors note: I'm so sorry I haven't updated for a while, i've been so busy! Also, i'm sorry it's really short. It's almost Halloween (My personal Christmas)  so i'm bust being excited and doing all the Halloween related stuff I can! So i'm sorry. After Halloween i'll update more ;)

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