Chapter 14: The Carnival (Picture of AJ)

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Excitedly I jumped out of the car even before AJ got the chance to shift the gear into park. "C'mon guys! Hurry up!" I screamed with my eyes wide as saucers as I tried to take off running.

It was a carnival held to raise extra money for the sports teams of NYU. All proceeds went directly to all the sports programs.

Two arms enclosed around my waist, "Whoa there, slow down love." His warm breath washed over my cheek and trickled down my neck causing me to freeze where I stood. "There's plenty of time for us to go on all the rides." Ethan chuckled.

"Is there plenty of time for us to go on each of the rides twice...ummm nooo, soooo let's goooo." I dragged Ethan over to the ticket booth line with AJ and Reese in tow. I was like a child on a candy high, no one could tell me otherwise when it came to carnivals or amusement parks.

"How many tickets do you think we'll need?" I turned to face AJ and Reese. Out of the corner of my eyes, I saw Ethan pull out a hundred dollar bill and slide it under the window to the lady.

"Four unlimited bracelets please." He asked the lady while smirking at me.

"Noooo friggin way!" I screamed excitedly as I wrapped my arms around Ethan's neck and kissed him on the cheek. "Thank you."

"You're very welcome." He replied as he grabbed my hand and we made our way through the crowd. "What ride are we going on first? Or do you want to play some games?"

"Hiiiii Ethan, Hiiii AJ." Came a chorus of hi's from a few girls working the game booths as we walked by. Reese and I scrunching up our faces in distaste at one another as the girls shot us evil daggers with their eyes.

Seems like they were the bachelors of the campus and showing up with high school girls on their arms was not a likely scene for them. Both guys smiled in a friendly manner. "Hey" was all they mustered back as their attention turned back to us immediately.

"Let's do rides first since someone is so eager." AJ suggested as he wiggled his eyebrows at me. "Then we'll eat, and do games last."

The afternoon flew by quickly and it was early evening before we knew it. We were all having so much fun just hanging out.

We rode every single ride twice, then we sat down and ate hot dogs and had funnel cake. Ethan and AJ were so competitive when it came time for us to play games.

Haha little did they know I excelled at the game where you shoot water into the hole and the little bear races to the top! I beat them four times winning a teddy bear wearing an NYU hoodie for Ethan.

"It's getting late and I still have some homework to do." Reese admitted while looking over at AJ sadly. "We should get going soon, there's school tomorrow."

"We should all hang out again next weekend." AJ suggested.

"Yea that sounds like a great idea." I nodded as I looked over at Ethan and held my hand out.

"I'm supposed to be the one impressing you by winning you a prize." He smirked when I handed him the bear.

"Ehh times have changed old man...besides I totally owned you losers!" I teased as I took off running into the crowd.

"Losers? I"ll show you a loser!" Ethan roared as he chased after me.

"Oomph." I grunted as he caught up to me easily, grabbing me into a hug from behind when I stopped at the Ferris wheel line. "Can we go on one last ride, please?" I pouted with my bottom lip out and my best puppy dog eyes.

"One last ride then we really need to go." Reese laughed knowing the Ferris wheel was my favorite ride of all.

I couldn't help myself I just loved the feel of the wind blowing through my hair on the ferris wheel and being able to see everything around us.

Ethan wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me close to him, kissing me on the side of my head. I leaned my head against his chest as I wrapped my arms around his stomach .

"Get a room!" AJ screamed from the cab underneath us as he and Reese busted out laughing.

They made such a cute couple and I'm happy that she was able to find someone who likes her for the sweet person she is inside and not just her looks.

Ethan chuckled lightly. "Mind your business!" He yelled back while looking down into my eyes. "So will I get to see you again next weekend?"

"You sure you're not gonna get tired of seeing me so much." I smiled shyly. I liked Ethan, he was nothing but a perfect gentleman and treated me with nothing but respect. He looked at me like I was the only girl around even though he is extremely hot and I'm pretty sure he has all types of girls throwing themselves at him...older "college" women at that.

Once the Ferris wheel cabs were full the ride began to slowly go into motion.

Ethan gazed at me seriously. "I like you Mikaila...a lot..." He admitted nervously. "I'll never get tired of seeing your beautiful smile."

"I like you too Ethan." I smiled up at him while biting down on the side of my lip. He was making me nervous, seeing how I had no experience at all with guys. I was pretty sure my cheeks were flushing red.

"Enough to make us...exclusive?" He whispered as he tucked a strand of hair behind my ear.

"Huh?" Was the only intelligible answer I managed to utter. I couldn't believe what he was asking me! This hot guy wanted to be exclusive with me? Me?!?

I felt his chest vibrate slightly as he chuckled at my expression. "Do you like me enough to make us exclusive?" He repeated the question.

"Y-y-yes." I stammered feeling like a bag of nerves. OMG my first boyfriend was hot and respectful, who would've ever figured?

"Yes?" He breathed his lips merely inches away from my own. I could smell the minty freshness of the gum he was chewing on. "Good, because I wasn't taking no for an answer." Ethan smirked before kissing me gently.

The kiss started out slow our lips brushing slightly against one another and soon became more aggressive. His right hand moving up to the back of my neck as he held me closer against him and his left hand rubbing circles on the small of my bare back as my shirt rised up from leaning closer to him.

Soon he bit down ever so gently onto my bottom lip sucking on it as I followed suit and did the same to him. "Mmm." Ethan breathed out against my lips pulling away slightly to smile at me before kissing me again.

This time he ran his tongue against my lips and I did what I only knew to do from all my years of watching romance movies. I opened my mouth slightly as Ethan slid his tongue into my mouth.

Our tongues danced playfully with one another as he yet again moaned into my mouth when my fingers massaged the hair at the nape of his neck. "Mmm."

We remained kissing until we heard someone clearing their throat from the side of us as the lock on the cab flipped open. Pulling away from one another we noticed the Ferris wheel stopped and it was our turn to get off.

Reese and AJ already standing on the side of the exit waiting for us with huge grins on their faces.

"Awwwww you guys make the cutest couple!" Reese screeched as she linked her arm into mine and walked with me towards AJ's car. The boys falling a step behind to talk to one another. "I never thought I'd see you with anyone else but Zac." She gushed.

Zac...I completely forgot about Zac. Not once throughout this entire afternoon since I turned my phone off did he even cross my mind.

Before last night Zac was my best friend...he was all I knew...the only man in my life. How my life could change that quickly in the blink of an eye was beyond me. I didn't even know where we stood anymore...especially not after last night with the events that occurred between him and Hailey, and I can honestly say it didn't bother me as much as it should have.

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