she sits in my mind
her legs dangle off of the concrete wall
music she likes playing off of her phone
cigarette smoke curls from her lips
she raves about how beautiful the nicotine is
how it feels against her tongue
all I can do is stare at her from within
my minds eye portraying a picture I would kill to see again
her arms embrace my body
tightly I am squeezed into her
this is what true comfort feels like
serenity washed through me as we sit beside one another while the night sky grows a dark blue
it is time for my leaving
but the feeling of her arms wrapped around my fragile frame of a human being will not easily be forgotten
for I miss her
more than I should
and my only concern
my only worry
being her safety
for I was falling for yet another broken soul
and I started to accept this
only as long as she was suckingoxygen into her stained lungs