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I wake abruptly to my phone ringing. I untangle myself from Luke and stand up to grab it.



"Yeah. Dylan what's going on?"

"Mom kicked me out..."

"What? Why?!" I almost yell. But realizing Luke is in the bed next to me sleeping, I quietly leave the room.

"She doesn't like the fact that I still see and talk to you. She told me to stop but I wouldn't so she kicked me out... I have to be out by tonight, well, tomorrow morning at 1. Same as you."

"Okay um Dyl..." I hear shuffling back in the bedroom, "You might be able to stay here. Can I call you back in like 10 minutes?"

"Oh. Okay, yeah. I'll talk to you in a bit. Bye."

"Bye." I hang up the phone just as Luke leaves the bedroom.


"Yeah babe?"

"Who were you talking to?"


"Oh... Okay... Well, can you come back to bed? I miss you..."

I chuckle lightly. "Sure babe... But first, I have a question..."


"Mom kicked Dylan out... And it's my fault... Can he stay here for a while? Until he gets back on his feet?"

"Sure babe. That's fine with me. But you know..." He starts, walking up to me and placing his hands on my hips.

"What?" I say, snaking my arms around his neck.

"We will officially share a room..."

"Mhm... Is that so?" He leans down and gently kisses me.

I jump up and wrap my legs around his torso as he carries us back to my room. He gently places me on the bed and hovers over me. He's about to pull off my shirt when my phone starts ringing. I reach into my pocket to answer it.

"Hello?" I manage to get out normally, Luke running kisses down my neck makes this task slightly difficult.

"Hi Lexi. So did you get an answer?"

"Oh yeah. You can stay here. You'll have my room."

"Then where are you going to be?"

"Um... Luke's room?"



"What do you mean you're going to be in Luke's room?!"

"Luke and I are going to be sharing a room... What's wrong with that?"

"Um, no you're not. You keep your room. I'll share a room with Luke."

"That makes no sense... I'm sharing a room with Luke okay?" Luke starts running his hand under my shirt and cups my boob, causing me to let out a low moan. Luke then quickly clasps his free hand over my mouth to muffle it slightly.

"Um, Alexis? What's going on..."

"What do you mean?"

"Are you and Luke together?"

"Um, we've been together... I told you this..."

"No no no. Not dating together. I mean together, together. Like, right now?"

"What? N...No... Why would I do that? I've never had sex before... Why would I start now? Especially when I'm on the phone with-"

"Okay Lexi. I get it. I'll be by tomorrow morning... Love you."

I sigh. "Love you too..." And I hang up. Immediately when I do, Luke smashes his lips against mine.

"Luke." I say against his lips.


"Can, can we not?"


"Can we not do anything right now?" He pulls away.

"Sure. That's okay."

"I'm sorry babe..."

"No, no. It's fine. You don't have to be sorry about something like this. It will always be okay when you don't want to do something. Okay? I love you. And something as small as not having sex with me is going to make me mad."

"Okay. I love you too." He flops down on the bed next to me and pulls me into him.

"Now can we get a little bit more sleep? We have to basically clean out this room later..."

I chuckle. "Night Luke..."

"Night Lexis..."


All of the chapters I write on vacation I'll publish when I get home. So you don't have to wait to long for the next chapter.

Tell me what you think.

Word count. 670

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