Driven to Hell

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My hand instinctively went to hit the snooze button of my alarm clock. When the incessant ringing had stopped I reluctantly threw off my covers to hop into the shower. I got off my bed and made my way to the bathroom, I stripped and looked at myself in the mirror. I was an average girl. My eyes, dark brown, that over the years went from young and delusional, to calculating and cold. My hair is a frizzy mess, that on one step has to do with having curly hair and on the other has to do with the years of dying it. At the moment, it was a dark red, that went to the bottom of my back, but my natural blonde was starting to show through, I would have to re- dye it soon. I was thin, but not overly thin, I have a stomach from a few too many Netflix and Ice cream nights. I didn't dare turn arounf to see the 'love marks' my mother had left behind.

At school, I was known as the nerd, for those that knew of me, but to the few friends I had I was known as the crazy out going one, who doesn't share food. I passed all my classes and was grade levels above where I was supposed to be. Right now I was a senior in high school and this is the first day of a long year of high school hell.

    I finished checking myself out and jumped into the shower. After scrubbing myself clean, and washing my hair, I got out of the shower and wrapped myself in a fluffy towel. I brushed my teeth with my mint toothpaste and electric toothbrush, and then I went and picked out today's outfit. After putting on my underwear, I put on black skinny jeans, that had holes ripped all throughout, from not only having them for so long, but my clumsy life. Then I put on a dark blue sweatshirt that made a nice contrast with my red hair, that I then put into a French braid going down my back. I slipped on my all black converse, grabbed my backpack and made my way down stairs.

    I was almost down the stairs when I heard shouts coming from the kitchen. I sighed and shook my head. My brother and dad were at it again. They seemed to fight constantly, usually, it was good- humored sass. My brother and I are polar opposites, he was the popular quarter back, who gets fawned over constantly. I, on the other hand, was more into books and eating than popularity. He was well mannered and loved, while I had a total sass problem and didn't know when to stop from talking.

    I was pulled from my thoughts when I noticed an object flying at my face, I easily grabbed it before it hit my face and gave my brother a dirty look, before taking a bite of the apple he thoughtfully threw at me. My mouth curved into a smirk at his confused face, obviously, he thought I would yell at him, but who am I to deny any type of food.

    With a smirk still on my face and a fully eaten apple, I threw the apple core away and stood on my tippy toes to kiss my dad on the cheek. "Bye, dad!" I said stepping down and grabbing my helmet on my way out the door. Both me and my brother on our way he got into his Safire blue Chrysler 3000, and I made my way to my sweet, sweet baby. His name is Zeus and he is a Harley -Davidson Heritage Softail Classic, in a fiery red. I hopped on and put my backpack in the compartment, slipped on my helmet, and revved the engine. My thoughts drifted to the potential of this school year while I made the drive I've done at least 100 times.

    My two best friends are Grace and Alora. Grace is short and feisty. She has long straight brown hair and sparkly blue eyes. From first look, she would look like she wouldn't hurt a fly, but when you get to know her, you'll have the bruises to prove that wrong. We met freshman year in art class, she couldn't draw worth anything. She sat next to me because, well I don't know, the main point is that when she tried stealing one of my gummy bears I slapped her hand up and skillfully caught the gummy goodness in my mouth. When I looked over at her she had this gleam in her eyes that proved my earlier hypothesis wrong and we both burst out laughing, and since then we have bean best friends. Alora is the mom of the group. She has curly blonde hair the meets the top of her chest. Her eyes are forest green and her face is soft. She if 5'2 and has curves I would kill for. Grace and I met her sophomore year, in the library. We were making a ruckus because Grace stole the book I was going to check out and I tackled her to the ground, luckily we were in the back or else the librarian would have had out heads on a stick. When Alora found us, I had Grace in a head lock and she scolded us. We all became close friends over time, with our true and dedicated love for books, no matter how much the authors torture us with their scripted lyrics of tragedies and forgotten promises, we come running back for more as soon as a new book release.

    I came out of my memory lane to find that I had made it to my torture chamber that I call high school. The school was big and no one really noticed me. I made my way to the back where I usually parked and hopped off my baby, grabbed my backpack and helmet and made my way to the front. As soon as I had made it around the corner outside I was bombarded my two friends in a bone crushing hug. "Oh, my gosh! You're finally here!!" Grace squealed, letting go of me and giving me a once over, she shook her head.

"I thought you said you were going to change your look this year?" She asked exasperatingly.

"I did! Look all black converse, usually I have black and white." I defended with a smirk. Grace was always trying to get me to dress in happier brighter colors.

"Come on Daisy, you know what I mean." she shot back. I frowned at the old nickname. My dad used to call me it when I was younger. When they found out they couldn't let it go, now they rarely call me anything else, ecspecially my actual name. I shook my head at Grace and started forward.

"Did you hear about the new guy?" Alora asked. I shook my head to her question.

"Well, apparently he's here because his parents own this big corporation and they relocated." she continued. I chuckled at her face, just then a Harley Davidson Forty-Eight cam zooming by and parked up front. I heard all the girls going crazy for the boy getting off the bike but I couldn't help but inspect the bike instead of the person getting off of it. Before I could stop myself I was kneeling in front of the bike totally ignoring the stares I was getting from everyone around. The bike was in amazing condition. It was deep blue and fresh lather on the seat. Satisfied with my inspecton I finally stood up, smirking at the fact my bike was better, I noticed every one's eyes were on me, including the bikes owners.

"I don't think I have ever seen a girl totally ignore me to look at my bike." Came the humored deep voice of the owner. I rolled my eyes.

"Well the bike looks way better without you on it, so I couldn't help myself," I said before I could stop myself. If anyone was talking, they weren't anymore. The dude looked at me surprised and then looked me up and down, and his confused expressinon turned into a smirk and his used to be suprised eyes turned into ones of a chllenge.

"You know what you would look better on?" he asked, and before I could reply he said "My lap." I heard gasps from throughout the crowd, and I rolled my eyes again. If he wanted to play this game I could defiantly play. I walked closer till there was about 6 inched between us. I placed my hand on his chest and looked into his eyes to catch a spark of accomplishment and cockiness, swirling in his multi-color blue, green eyes. I leaned in and with hot breath whispered; "Glad you know your place... beneath me." I heard his breath hitch at the heat from my breath on his neck. I whipped around and started walking away.

"What's your name?" He shouted after me. I turned my head around, never slowing my strides and replied, "You can call me whatever you want, kitten." And winked.

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