One Step Back

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Jedidiah's Pov. (Harmony's Father)

Story Telling/Flashback

"Everyone stand!" I shouted, we didn't have time for this. They are either going to be the best or I was going to make them the best. At my command everyone stood looking at me. I looked around. My squad had many different races in it. We had fairies, wood nymphs, vampires, werewolves, demons, shapeshifters, nymphs, dragons, and a few witches and warlocks. Leading them all was me, an elemental. I controlled fire. Elementals as a whole in the supernatural world are lower than dirt and are treated as such. Just because we couldn't be sensed by others of this world and looked like humans, many believed we didn't belong with them. Then there was me.

The council believed they needed an elemental in their Army so others wouldn't revolt. I was chosen. What they didn't know at the time was I am good at what I do and will do everything in my power to make everything run smoothly. So after starting at the bottom, I worked my way up to commander, and while most are not happy, they don't have the strength to go against me.

I was about to shout commands at my troops when a small little wood nymph came up to me. He was a small thing, like three apples tall. He had short scraggly blonde hair. Taking deep breathes and shaking he walked up to me.

"M...MM... Mr. King, sir... this came in for you." He said handing me the envelope and practically running away. I wanted to chuckle. Looking at my troops I commanded them to start strength training. Walking into my tent, I opened the letter.

Commander Jedidiah,

You are being summoned to appear in front of the council as soon as you get this letter. Leave your troops and come.

The Council

'Well fuck' I thought, while rubbing circles on my temples, 'the troops still had much training to accomplish'

I walked out of my tent onto camp grounds. My second in command came up to me. Her name was Delilah, a lengthy blonde, with calculating green eyes, and she was a witch from North America, and specialized in in casting spell on the mind, while her power wasn't used as much, her warrior skill where the best in the camp besides myself.

"I have to go meet the council. You are in charge. Make sure they have strength conditioning, and practice basic worrier skills." With that said I left before she could say anything.

Meeting the council was easy, all you had to do was get in trouble in the super natural realm, or, how I get in. Just be an elemental. The council and everyone outside of it hates our kind. The council just uses us for tools. We can't be held down. Others in this realm all have a weakness that corresponds with their supernatural powers. Wolfs bane for Werewolves, sun for Vampires, even if we have found a way around it. Most in battle can be held back, but you can't take away nature, and that's the only reason we are still alive. The council it's self is built up of 6 of the most powerful elders in the supernatural community. There is Klaus Stephan (Vampire), Christian Volts (Werewolf), Miguel Tod (Warlock), Chasity Stewart (Witch), Elizabeth Adams (Fairy), Nixon Potter (Giant).

I arrived at the overly huge building in a matter of minutes, and reluctantly entered. I had been here so many times before that I just walked straight past the receptionist and straight towards the large double doors, that held many fears for most people. I walked through the double doors, and immediately the room was silenced.

"I see it hasn't learned any manners," Klaus said as if I wasn't in the room.

"I was summoned. Would you like to tell me what was so important that you had to take me away from training my troops." I said keeping my voice neutral, posture straight and no eye contact.

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