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Sorry for the long wait. Here is the chapter you have long ewaited. Please excuse any spelling or grammer errors. Have a good read.


"Why is everybody so serious, acting do damn mysterious. Got shades on your eyes and your heels so high, that you can't even have a good time." I belted as I washed the soap off my body.

"Daisy! Steak is ready!"

"Be down in a sec padre!"

Drying myself off, I jumped out of the shower. Throwing on sweatpants and a flannel. I wrapped my hair in the towel. Going down the steps two at a time, I was amazed when I got down stairs unscathed. The house smelled of steak and it was mouthwatering. In the kitchen my dad sat on a stool, eating his steak. Throwing my medium rare goodness on my plate, I grabbed steak knife and sat down next to him.

We ate in silence. When I looked up my dad was no longer there. Looking around I couldn't find him in the kitchen or dining room.

"Dad," I called. No answer.

"Dad," I tried again, going up the stairs. Still no answer.

"DAD!" I screamed. The house was silent. Walking back down stairs. The house was no longer clean, but looked like a disaster. Broken glass littered the floor. I heard crying coming from the other room, following the sound. I saw a girl crouched over something. Walking closer I realized it was me...holding my father.

Images flashed through my head. Ones of the voicemail. Me finding my dad. Grace and Alora not being who they said they were. My brother. Those men. The bullet.

My head felt as if a fire had ignited inside it. Warm liquid flowed down my eyes.

"No, this can't be happening again." Dropping to my knees, I sobbed.

"It's okay. Open your eyes." I looked up, but the same scene was unfolding in front of me.

"Just open them, please." The voice was louder, where the hell was it coming from.

"Please." And my world went black.

I could feel someone holding my hand. I tried opening my yes to escape the darkness, but it seemed like an impossible task.

"Please, just come back to me."

I wanted to comfort the voice. It sounded so broken, but at the same time whoever the voice belonged to, the hand seemed to be sending tingles through my body.

Opening my eyes, I could feel the eye buggers gathered in the corners. Bringing my hands up to my eyes, I rubbed them better. When I opened them once again, I saw him...Apollo.

"What the hell am I doing here?" I asked as I looked around the white room. It was much too bright in my opinion; it was giving me a head ache.

Of course as soon as I asked the question I remember the whole bullet wound to the side thing. Subconsciously reaching for my side, I felt a sting where the wound is.

"Never mind, I remember," I said since Apollo seemed too shocked to do anything. Sitting up with little difficulty, I pulled out the IV, and anything else connected to my body.

"I hate hospitals," I mumbled s I got out of the bed. A shooting pain made a squeak escape my mouth, making me grab the railing on the bed. This seemed to bring Apollo out of his stupider. I barley saw him run over to me, when I was crushed in a hug. I was about to pull away when his smell invaded my senses. He smelled like...home. I don't know any other way to describe it, other than home. I wrapped my arms around hi wait, pulling him impossibly closer.

We were pulled out of our moment by my loud mouth brother, storming in through the door.

"Daisy oh my god. Thank god your up." Before I could do anything I was transferred form one pair of arms to another. This time it was my brothers Old Spice body wash that invaded my senses. Again we were interrupted by the door opening, this time it was an ear crushing squeal, I heard before I was again transferred to Alora's arms, then to Grace's.

When I pulled away, I was pulled against a hard chest. I felt a cold nose go straight to my neck, and a smile tugged at my lips.

"So, when do I get to go home?"

"I have to do something." I said as we entered the pack house.

"I'm not letting you leave this house," Apollo basically growled.

"I'm not leaving the house grounds, I just need a moment to myself, outside." Reluctantly he nodded his head.

Stepping outside, I felt the cool breeze pass by me. I looked up, u was surrounded by trees. The leaves were all sorts of colors,

"It's like nature gets Highlights," my dad used to say.

Walking a little way, I found myself at a clearing. The tall grass moved with the wind. It seemed like a perfect little world.

"Why did you have to leave?" I asked looking up to the sky.

"I depended on you. You were supposed to be there for my graduation. You were to walk me down the ail. Be there for my first dog. Your first grandchild. Why did you have to leave me?" The last part came out as a scream.

"I dint leave you." My head snapped up. There stood my father.

"Dad!" I cried as I threw myself into his arms. They wrapped around me like my favorite blanket.

"I didn't leave you. I was taken before my time. I need you to be strong. I need you to save your brother."

"What if I don't want to be a hero, an adult. I've been an adult since I was supposed to be a child. I don't want to anymore. I want to go back to the times you would read me magical stories before bed. Stories where the little don't lose what is most precious to them." I cried. I was done.

"You have to be. You're a King. We do what is best for everyone. We make solutions to problems."

"What about what's best for me?"

"That will come. But for now, you need to be the strong little girl I raised. The one who takes nothing form no one. You need to be my daughter. But, remember no matter what happens I will always be proud of the young woman you have become."

With that I was suddenly hugging myself.

Walking through the back door I was met with the upset face of Apollo, it immediately softened when he saw my state.

"My Prinkipissa." He ran up to me. I stepped back, needing space. I saw a look of hurt flash in his eyes.

"Are you okay?" Concern laced his voice.

"No. No I'm not okay, but hopefully one day I will be."

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