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Apollo's Pov.

Her red, curly locks fell around her, shielding, no, protecting, from the outside world. Her elbows on her thighs, her hands stuck in her hair. Anyone would just think she was stressed or thinking, but I saw through it. I noticed the slight tremble in her back as she tried to control her breathing. I could see the small droplets descending to the ground. I noticed it all and my heart broke watching her take in the grief of losing her father and not telling anyone.

After everything happened we had to do something. I had my pack take care of it and the whole thing disappeared as if Jedidiah King never existed.

"Prinkipissa," I said quietly. I saw her body tense and could sense the shift in the air.

"Look at me Prinkipissa." When she looked up I had to contain the growl I wanted to let loose. Her loving brown eyes I had come to love, were now replaced with eyes that could make a grown man shake in his boots. Once loving and full of warmth, now cold and hardened, showing no emotion, just like her facial expression.

"What do you need?" she asked, her voice straight, never wavering.

"I just wanted to make sure you were okay." I saw an emotion flash through her eyes, but it was gone before I could even decipher it. Though her face did seem to soften.

"I'm fine. Call Grace and Alora and tell them to be here soon. We all need to talk." With that, she left and went down stairs. After the death of her father, I thought it best that she moves into the pack house with me.

Pulling out my phone I dialed Graces number, knowing the two would be together, I didn't bother worrying about Alora. Plus, her being in my pack, she was the only number I had.

"Hello," came the tired voice of Grace.
"Are you with Alora?"

"Yeah, why?" I sighed.

"Harmony said for both of you to get here." This time, she sighed.

"Okay, we will be there in a few minutes." With that, she hung up the phone. Running my hands through my hair, I walked down stairs'. Walking into the kitchen I saw Harmony looking through the cupboards. She looked to be deep in thought. I could tell by the little crease she got above her eye brow when she was thinking hard. With a sigh, she closed the cupboard and walked away. Finally noticing me, she sent me a small head nod, before walking into the living room.

Shaking my head, I walked after her. I was worried, she had barely eaten anything since everything happened. Sitting next to her on the couch, she gave another head nod and just stared off into space.

"What are you thinking about?" I asked. She looked at me, before simply replying with,

"Nothing." It angered me and my wolf, with the fact that she would so willingly lie to me, especially about something to do with her well-being.

"I know you're lying." I said, my wolf taking in a little control. She didn't seem to even care as she just kept staring into space.
"I know, you know." She said before completely turning to me.

"Please tell me what's wrong?" I pleaded. She tilted her head, she almost seemed to be analyzing me.

"What wrong is the fact that if I had just listened to the voice mail at lunch, or ran just a little faster, he would still be alive. He could have had an amazing life without me. I caused nothing but trouble. Without me, he and mom would still be together, he would have been able to travel, like he always talked about, and most importantly... he would still be alive." She finished. I looked at her like she was crazy. She thought all of this was her fault, nothing was her fault. I was about to reassure her that she had nothing to do with fates cruel way of things, when the front door opened and Grace as well as Alora walked through the door.

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