10 Feet Deep

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The picture above is of the father.
I knew that this was a dream, or at least something close to a dream. Usually in my dreams I would change cloths, but not this one, nope. Here I am standing in the middle of god knows where in just a fluffy towel. What the hell was my life that this is what I dream about. I was cut out of my mental rant to the sing song voice of a woman. I looked around trying to pin point the sound. When I turned around I saw the most beautiful woman that I had ever laid eyes on. Her hair was a long blonde wave going down her back. She seemed to be in some Greek god tunic. Her eyes where completely turquois with flaks of purple throughout. She was tall probably around 5'9, and her complexion was clear like she had never seen a day of acne in her life. 'What a bitch' I thought, thinking about my own acne scars that called home on my face.

"Hello Harmony. I am the moon goddess herself here to explain some things to you." Her soft, but authoritative voice rand throughout the empty hall.

"Who the hell are you and why am I here. If this is about me almost lighting that demon god called my mother on fire, then I regret nothing and ever will." I stated sternly. I expected her to frown, but an angelic laugh made its way to my ears instead.

"This has little to do with the fact that you lit her on fire, and more about the point of how you lite her on fire." She responded. Just then I remembered, hoe I lite her on fire. 'What the hell is wrong with me' I thought. She chuckled, "Did I say that out loud?"

"Yes sweetheart. Now come, let's sit." Just then I remembered I was still in my towel. 'Why does life hate me' I thought with a wistful sigh as I made my way to follow the lovely woman. She led me to a comfy looking sitting area. She sat on a cream colored couch. I sat on a lite blue foot rest, even if this was a dream I didn't want to get too comfy.

"Start, "I said with more command in my voice than I thought I had. She raised an eyebrow at me, but started talking.

"Let's start from the beginning. You are an elemental. They as a population can control the basic elements around them. Your first time was with fire, one of the most dangerous. Your mate or Apollo as you know him, is a werewolf, but that's not important. You are important, my dear. Usually each elemental has one element that they can control. Either fire, water, earth or air, but you have the power to control all the elements. The original elemental could control. She then had 4 sons each with the different power of an element. Each elemental since then have been men, until you. The other gods and goddesses and I believe that you are supposed to be her reincarnate." That where she ended and I started.

"What the fuck are you talking about. Who the hell do you think you are telling me what I am. I am not, let me repeat am not an elemental. I might not have a great mother, but other than that, I have a totally normal family. I cannot control elements and that psycho that took care of me in not my 'mate' or whatever." By the time I ended my rant I was out of breath, standing up, and pointing an accusing finger at her, while still holding my towel. She sighed.

"I know it's hard to except, but this is all true. I would let you stay but your mate wants you, and as the moon goddess I can't keep a mate from his love. Bye, bye" She said with a smile and a wave.

"Now wait, you little bitch, I don't care who you are but you answer my fucking questions now," and of course my luck I ended up sitting up and hitting heads with Apollo.

"Fuck," we both groaned at the same time. Apollo quickly dazed in.

"Are you okay?"

"Do I look oaky too you?" I said my voice increasing in pitch. "First of all I have this totally weird dream where I lit my mother on fire. Then I wake up from my cursing rant only to hit your beautiful head. Now I'm stuck here ranting in nothing but a towel. Speaking of which where the fuck are my clothes and why am I not in them." I growled the last part. I stopped to take a breath, ranting takes a lot out of a person. The I continued. "Now I am seriously hungry. So much in fact that my stomach is eating itself, and very rapidly might I add. Plus, now I want a chocolate bar and all I have is you." He had backed himself up against the wall now, his face had a look that claimed he was petrified. I took this chance and stormed out of his room and out of his house. Imagine how weird it looked to for a young woman to be walking on the sidewalk in nothing but a towel. 'I fucking hate this towel now' I thought bitterly.

When I got home the first thing I did was walk upstairs and changed into clothes. I put on underwear and a giant t-shirt that my father had given me years ago and still went down to my mid thighs. I hated pants, and no one was to be home for hours, so I stayed without pants. The next thing I did was take care of the pounding head ach that was now drilling in my head. I walked down stairs, to the kitchen. I filled up a glass of ice cold water and took two alieve. I started thinking about my dream. 'was it real?' I thought 'what if it was, maybe I should try just to make sure'. I set my glass down on my counter and lifted my hand. I concentrated hard on the glass. Slowly the glass started to shake, I was about to stop when suddenly the glass slipped onto the floor and broke into pieces.

"Shit," I cursed out loud. I bent down to pick up the glass when my knee landed on an extra sharp piece of glass. "Shit!" I cursed again, today was not my day. Right when I stood up to clean the cut, my front door burst open, and in walked Apollo, very frantic might I add.

"What the hell is going on." He shouted when he saw my bleeding knee, I went to walk up to him, but ended up stepping on a piece of glass.

"What the hell is wrong with me!" I screamed.

"Nothing's wrong with you prinkipissa" He said calmly. Walking across the glass. When he got to me he picked me up bridle style and carried me to the nearest bathroom sitting me on the counter.

After he had tended to all of my wounds and cleaned up the mess, I told his to leave. It took some time but he eventually did. Now I'm waiting here on the couch staring blankly at the tv screen thinking about how I'm going to yell at my dad, because knowing him, he knew this would happen.

The door clicked open and I was up and at the door in shorter time than one of Taylor Swifts relationships. My father walked in and looked very confused as to why I was standing at the door giving him a death glare.
"Hey kiddo. Why do you look like you want to light someone on fire?" He asked, while putting his jacket on the post.

"Oh well, you know when you accidentally light your mother on fire. Then you pass out and have a strange dream about some woman and her telling you that you are special. Then you wake up in someone else's bed, and don't even get me started on how much my leg hurt right now, because of how much of an idiot I am." I say all in one breath.

My dad looks at me like I'm crazy, and then what looked like realization flashed in his eyes. Then for the first time in my life I saw that my dad looked scared.

"Dad, what is wrong with me?" I asked, my voice cracking, no longer being able to cover the emotions going through me. The only person I would ever let my guard down for was my father and now was one of those times. He walked over to me and let me sink into his arms, his familiar scent drifted to me and made me feel like I was at home and safe. Nothing could hurt me in my father's arms.

"Come on," he lead me over to the couch and sat me down, after he draped a fuzzy blanket over me, that I then cocooned myself into. He walked over to the other side of the couch, sat down, loosened his tie, and took off his shoes, plus socks.

"Daisy, I have a story to tell you.' I nodded, ' It all started when I was when I was in my 20's, about 50 years ago..."

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