Chapter 4

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Well, hi there, I luurve you all. Please vote even though I'll probably have none, ;o. It's my birthday and I'm writing this. Yerrrsserrrriieee. My god..Harry twerking. AHHHHHH. Anyways.

Harry on the side------------------------------------------------------->>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

~The Writers


3rd Person POV.

Louis took Tommy and set him down on the floor to run around. Tommy immediatly pounced on the fringe of the blanket. Louis chuckled lightly. Liam sat on the couch to watch the television. Niall took out some crisps and slowly brought one to his mouth. He put it all in his mouth and chomped it.

Zayn stayed at the couch and looked at the ground blankly. He just, was taking it all in. He has yet to realize life like this is not right. It's not right, or mentally heathy to think about life with Addiyn all the time when she wasn't here.

Harry was exactly the same. He didn't know this life was even an option. He thought for ever and ever he and Addilyn would be together. Her curly frizzy hair and his short curls together, for ever. Harry sighed and closed his eyes. He feels like he has no point in life now. He feels like he has been torn apart by her depart. He needs someone to tell how he feels.

But never comes out and says it. He needs one of the boys to make him vent out his feelings. Harry needs it oh so desperatly. But doesn't want it.

Harry swung his legs over the side of the bed and rubbed his eyes. He sniffled and let out a whimper.

"Addilyn..." He breathed. He couched and shivered once he left his hot room. He was definatly sick. Harry's nose was red and his eyes were splotchy.

"Harry! Dinners done." Liam says trying to be enthusiastic. Harry grunted in response and held his arms together, trying to make hinself warm but wasn't working. But he was wearing a blue jumper and sweats. How could Harry be cold?

Harry's throat tickled and he smelled a huge whiff of the tacos.

Harry immediatly felt sick and his eyes went wide. His mouth started to water and he burped. His head lurtched forward and he spilled his vomet all over the living room floor. Harry clutched his stomache as he let it out. Though he hadn't ate anything it kept coming.

Harry shivered and wiped his mouth of the throw up on the side of his mouth. He groaned and layed down on the couch. Liam sighed and patted Harrys back.

"Niall get a rag and a bucket filled with water and soap. I'll clean this up." Liam sayms. Niall nods scared for Harry. Louis is frozen in the kitchen. He saw that and he just didn't know what to think, why the hell would he just throw up out of no where?

Zayn is huddled in the corner of the couch sleeping. That man can sleep through anything.

Niall came back with a blue bucket filled with carpet stain remover, soap, a cloth, and gloves. He handed them to Liam and Liam croutched down towards the...pile and the smell stung his nose. It was yellow and liquidity. He cringes and put on the gloves he started to clean and Niall looked away.

Suddenly no one was hungry anymore..


It has been 3 days since the incident of Harry puking on the carpet. Zayn was progessing on the loss of Addilyn but Harry on the other hand got worse. The boys decided a little time from eachother would be best.

Louis stayed because his mum and family went to a work related wedding and they went to stay in Liverpool for three weeks.

So Louis would be all alone and he didn't like that so offered to take care of Harry.

Louis was in for a ride.


Well...Poor Hazz...Sorry for taking so long but hopefully since I have school in two days the updating won't be any LESS frequent. Love yallllll...I don't ever say that. I sound weird sayjng that because I'm saying it in my head well anyways sorry this A/N is so long...

~The Writer

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