Chapter 2

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Well, hi there. I love you guys and hope you guys would vote for this chapter. I'm already on chapter two. I just love this story to bits.

Gif is Harry during the chapter and listen to the song while reading, mkay bye;)


~The Writer


Harry's POV.

I swallow hard and start to shake. 

"Wh-what?" I stumble over my words.

"I'm sorry to inform you Mr. Styles, but Addilyn has been in a car accident and we would like to explain more to you if you would come down to the Liver Pool Hospital," He says.

"Y-yeah.." I say and hang up. Tears escape my eyes and srtoll down my cheeks I wipe them away irritated.

"Nothings happened, shes a-alright," I breath and try to convince myself. I lick my lips and grab the car keys. I run to the car and start it, my hands shaking violently. What's going to happen to my Addilyn? Is she hurt? Will she be okay? Where's my baby? Is she dead?!

My breathing quickens as I pull into the hospital. I let out a shaky sigh and jog to the entrance. I run to the receptionist and lean on the counter with the palms of my sweaty hands. She looks at me worriedly and my stomach is churning at the possibilities of what's happening right now.

"I-I'm here for Addilyn Smith.." I say and my voice cracks at the end. I wipe my cheeks, not knowing what's going on. My love is in the hospital, because she was in an accident.

"She's in room 330, three doors to the right." She instructs and give me a weak smile. I snap my head in the right direction and walk the fastest I've ever walked in my life. I find the room and stop in front of it. 

I'm not sure what to expect.

Just then a doctor walks up to me.

"I'm sorry mister, you cannot go in there..." He says to me, I look at him.

"You must be Harold Styles." He says.

"Harry, and why can't I see her." I say to him with a stone hard look. He looks at me with sympathy.

"Please, come sit." He says beckoning to the white plastic chairs. I sit down and fumble with my hands.

"Addilyn was hit with a semi-truck from the side, on the driver side..." He says bluntly. The breath was knocked out of me and my mouth hung open. I whimpered I let out a sob. How could this happen. My hands shook so much the doctor could see it and frowned. 

"Wh-why can't I see her?" I ask. I need to see her. I need to see those brown curls, the brown eyes. I need to see her smile. I need to hear her laugh. I broke down. I slid off my chair and my knees on the ground.

"I'm sorry lad, but the hospital won't let the visitors see the pasted patients." He says and I look at him with watery eyes.

''She's DEAD?" I scream. He closes his eyes momentarily. My breathing stops and my heart hurts. My chest and my limbs are numb. I sniff and ge up, with the tiny dignity that I have. Tears are now explioding out of my tear ducks and I wipe them at a fast speed.

"I'm sorry Mr. Styles..." He says and writes something on the clipboard. My knees buckle and I am at loss of words.

"H-How?" I squeak after about 2 minutes.

"The front of the truck crrushed her diaphram, causing her breathing to stop. Again, I'm sorry. We tried to save her but most of it was very severe." He says and looks at me. I cover my face with my hands. My face is wet and hot. I let out a sob and my stomach clenched. 

"Please, p-please let me see her.." I plead. Just one last time. I let out another sob, thinking of how this is the last time I'm gonna see her. I bit my lip so hard that my lips bleeds but I just suck on my lip.

"Alright, but this is off the record." He mumbles and he opens the door. I walk slowly over to the side of her bed and look at her. 

My throat hurts and I squeeze my eyes shut for a couple seconds. I open them to the sight of her.

Her curly brown hair is the same, but frizzyier. Her toned skin is a bit pale and her lips that are usually pink, are now blue. I grab her hand and the doctor looks like he is going to protests but lets me. Her hands are freezing. Tears slip off my cheek onto her body. Any momemt now I wait for her to wake up and tell me she loves me and everythings okay, but it never happens. My stomach feels terrible and I run to the hospital bathroom and puke my guts out. How could happen. Why couldnt she just live. This rarely happens to anyone I know. I puke again then dry heave for ten minutes. I walk back to the hospital and see her in the same place. She's not wearing any clothes, a tiny sheet in covering her and her hands are at her sides. I grab her hand and sit next to her.

"I love you." I cry. I squeeze my eyes shut and sob. I cry for about 10 straight mintes then look up at her again. My heart has felt like it's been torn to pieces and my head hurts enormassly. My headache is pounding and my breathing is short quick breathes.

I kiss her cold hand and walk out. I walk to my car and sit in the drivers seat. I sit there and cry. I feel so week. So broken and torn apart. How could she just leave? It makes no sense. I swallow down all my fears of anyone else I love dying and drive back to my flat. I can't stand even looking at it. So many memories are held in this place. I walk to the bed and lay my head down on the pillow. It smells like her shampoo. I cry into the pillow and scream.

"WHY?!" I scream. My nostrals flare and I throw the pillows to the floor. I look at the note she wrote this morning and crumple it. My hands are shaking and my headache and heartace just get worse. I go to the dresser and find her perfumes, makeup, and other things that are hers . I grab it and throw it to the ground. It shatters and you can smell the srong scented perfume. I groan and throw more things on the floor until all of her stuff is on the floor and broken. I run to the living room and see the tv is on her favorite show. I glare at the tv and flip to the ground and scream again. the sound shuts off and grab her shoes and throw them at the window, making the window break. They were heals. I let out another sob. Am I not worthy of having anyone to lve me and not leave me?!

I look at the cabinets and find a case of beer, vodka, and gin. I turn up Iron Maden and sit on the couch, drinking until I pass out



That's the part I was talking about. I feel like this is a moving chapter...


~The Writer

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