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Malfoy was recently attached to a chair by some Hufflepuffs. Yes, Hufflepuffs.  Wands pointing towards him at every direction. Malfoy on the other hand showed no fear. But, just had blank expression the whole time.

One very strong-looking Hufflepuff girl walked up towards Draco, and handed him a small glass vial.  

"Drink it," the girl said with some remorse in her voice. Draco did not hesitate. He lifted the vial to his lips, and swallowed the whole clear potion. He did not feel the potion taking affect. Thinking that someone messed up the potion.

"Is it true you are a Death Eater?" The same girl asked.

"Was a Death Eater," Draco said that not wanting to. Wondering why, he groaned and closed his eyes figuring out that this was Veritaserum.

"Was?" One smaller boy asked.

"Yes, I never wanted to be one you git, I was forced." The boy not taking offense to the rude word, but simply nodding his head.

"Ok, now that we know, let's have some fun," a blonde petite girl said.

No no no, was all Draco could think of.

"Who's your most hated house?"

"Gryffindor." Draco replied blankly. Not even fighting the ruthless potion.

"Do you really hate muggles and muggle-borns?"

"No, I just grew up thinking I had too. But, I really don't."

Some of the Hufflepuffs were pleased yet shocked to hear these words come out of the horrifying Slytherin.

"What's your sexuality?" One asked and the rest laughed.


That shut them up real quick. Some gave glances to others, some had to walk away.

"Who do you like?"

"Harry Potter."

One girl gasp and ran out the room and into the girls dormitory. Other shook their head in disgust, but not because he was gay but because he liked Harry Potter out of all people.

"You cannot like Harry! He deserves so much better than you," a brown headed boy said. Not very kind, was he?

"Just let me go," Draco pleaded.

Minutes after he said that some of the girls walked to him and untied him and gave him his wand back. He took it very cautiously and walked away mumbling to himself every few minutes. 

Stepping into the corridors not knowing if the potion has worn off yet. Running a hand through his soft silky hair he sighed and kept his head down low.

It was very late, almost 2 am. The moonlight shining onto the stone walls. Turning a corner he felt someone's chest bump into his.

"Uh, sorry-," the stranger looked up,"Malfoy."

To Draco's unfortunate luck, it was Harry.

"It's fine, Potter."

Draco started to walk away but, Harry has noticed the dark, empty look in his eyes. Instinctively Harry grabbed Draco's arm to pull him back.

"Wait," Harry has not let go of Draco's arm and Draco looked back behind him to only see Harry with a pleaded concern look on his face.

"What?" Draco asked.

"Are you ok?"

Before the word escaped Draco's lips, he knew the Veritaserum has not worn off.


Harry pulled him closer so, he could hear the blonde boy better.

"Why's that?"

Draco made a sound which meant 'are you dense?'.

"Everyone hates me. I don't blame them either, I hate me too." Draco said like he didn't actually care.

"Don't say that," Harry demanded.

"Why's that?" Draco mimicked.

"They probably don't know what you've been through in life," Harry replied making actual sense.

"You're right. They don't. But, why does everyone act like they do?"

"Everyone has to believe in something to just relax their mind and not worry." Harry sounded like a Ravenclaw.

"I suppose you're right. Why are you talking to me anyways?"

"Because I'm worried about you," Harry has meant every word he has said and doesn't plan on taking any back.

"Now, why would you be worried about me? Former Death Eater, a bully, and a coward." The potion was starting to fade but, it was still there taking affect.

"You're just so broken and I hate seeing you like this."

" I am broken. I'm sorry. Ok? I'm just sorry. I'm sorry I mess everything up, I'm just scared," Draco began to whisper and his voice trailed off. Draco looked up and saw Harry's green eyes glimmer in the moonlight.

Harry grabbed his shoulder and pulled him into a tight hug. Draco felt the sparks and tingles travel up his spine and made him shiver. Draco put his head in Harry's shoulder and gripped Harry's clothing between his fingers and clutched them.

"Draco," Harry whispered. Harry has never called Draco by his first name before so, this was quite a shock to Draco.



"I like you," Draco whispered.

Harry pulled out of the hug and looked up at Draco who looked like he was about to cry. Harry raised an arm and swiped a piece of strand hair that has falling in Draco's face. Harry wanted to be able to see Draco's beautiful eyes.

"Draco," Harry whispers again.

Draco couldn't hold the truth in any longer,"I've liked you for a while now. I know you probably hate me, I wouldn't blame you, but I just don't know if I can do this any longer. Like, it's getting harder to just live, I'm sor-."

Harry forcefully grabbed Draco's jaw and smashed their lips together. Draco started to relax underneath the kiss and began to kiss Harry back gently. Harry wrapped his arms around Draco pulling him closer, and Draco found his hands tangled in Harry's hair. Harry tugged on Draco's lower lip, Draco let out a low whimper. Finally Draco parted to breathe.

"Harry, what are you doing?" Draco asked. Harry has said nothing. He brought a hand to Draco's lips and began to trace his swollen lips. Draco was completely blissed out by Harry's motion. Harry put his hand behind Draco's head and made him lean forward, capturing him in another kiss but, more passionate this time.

"I." Kiss. "Love." Kiss. "You."

Draco's knees weak, he grabbed Harry's chin and made him look into his eyes.

"I Love You."

Veritaserum completely worn off, yet Draco was still telling the truth.

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