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Draco rolled onto his other side in the bed and accidentally collied with unfamiliar coldness. He sat up quickly and looked around the dimly lit room. He squinted his eyes to get adjusted to light. He ran his hand through the mess of his hair and put his feet over the edge of the bed.

He heaved himself off the coziness of the silk bed. Draco ran a comb through his hair, he didn't put gel in it. He grown to like the softness of his silky blonde hair. He put a a pair of jeans on and pulled a simple muggle grey shirt on. He put his Slytherin robes on over his clothing and walked out of his one-person dormitory.

Not saying 'Good morning' to one person as he walked through the halls because he was not having a pleasant morning himself. Something was just missing that Draco couldn't put his finger on.

He forced himself into the bitter coldness into the field next to Hagrid's Hut and The Forbidden Forest. 


Harry walked out of Hagrid's Hut by himself. He got up extra early to talk to him.

As he was walking back up to the Castle he saw the faint glisten of blonde hair in the corner of his eye. He looked more firmly at the object and most definitely saw Draco lazily walking through the grounds. Harry doesn't think Draco sees him, yet.

Harry silently walked up behind Draco and calmly asked, "What are you doing?"

Draco jumped and instantly turned around. He let out a relived sigh.

"Don't. Do. That." Draco said. His heart was racing due to the little jump scare.

"Sorry, so...what are you doing?" Harry asked.

"I have no idea, but come here and hold me," Draco whined.

Harry chuckled and stepped closer to the fragile boy. Harry wrapped his lean and muscular arms around Draco. He immediately began to relax in Harry's warmth.

"I missed you," Harry said.

"I miss you."

Harry kissed the tip of Draco's nose. Draco grinned and snuggled his face back into Harry's shoulders.

"I'm so tired," Draco mumbled. Harry played with his blonde hair.

"It's only a Saturday. Do want to come with me?" Harry asked.

Draco looked at him and nodded. Harry smiled and grabbed Draco's hand pulling him to the castle. Once in the warmth of walls he yanked Draco up to the seventh floor. The RoR was on the seventh floor and so was the Gryffindor common room.

Harry thought of a good place to just sleep and be cozy in, which made the door appear. He opened it and looked at Draco's unmesmerized expression. Harry pulled Draco to him more which caught Draco off guard.

"Wha- oh!" Draco said when he felt himself being lifted off the ground. He was in Harry's arms, bridal style, "You Prat!" Draco joked.

Harry laughed, he tossed Draco on the King sized bed and tumbled on top of him.

"I hate you," Draco pouted.

Harry intertwined their hands, he bent down and kissed Draco lovingly.

"And I love you."

Draco grinned and rolled over so that he was on top. Harry laid down, putting his hands under his head that was resting on a pillow. Draco sat right above his hips with his legs on either side of Harry.

20 minutes later and Draco was laughing at something about Harry. Harry got annoyed about Draco snickering about him. So, Harry grabbed the pillow and hit Draco square in the face. And immediately pulled Draco down on top of him into a massive hug.

"Harryyyy," Draco whined while still sitting on Harry's waist.

"What, Love?"

Draco bent down and whispered in Harry's ear, "I'm horny."

Harry groaned, "I can't right now, baby."

Draco started to grind down, "Come on, I need your thick cock inside me."

Harry moaned and bit his lip.

"Draco, not now."

Draco put his hands in Harry's shirt while still grinding, "I want you to pound into me. Don't you want your hot cock inside me? I'll let you do it rough-"

"Draco-" Harry warned.

"-God Harry, I'm so wet right now. My cock is needing your hand around it. I want to fuck you all day. Do you want me loose or tight? I'll finger myself- oh!"

Harry was so incredibly hard and he was about to loose it on Draco's dirty talk. He grabbed Draco's hips and flipped them over. He pulled forcefully on Draco shirt, yanking it off. He tugged on Draco's jeans and boxers immediately.

He put his fingers in Draco's mouth. Draco eagerly sucked on them getting as much salvia on them as possible. Draco looked up at Harry as he suck his fingers and Harry was so flushed. He enjoyed making Harry feel that way. Harry pulled his fingers, he ran them over Draco hole. Draco moaned as he felt the slick fingers enter him.

"Ah," Draco moaned.

Harry quickened his pace with his fingers. Curling them and scissoring Draco opened. He was seriously planning on fucking him all day because Draco couldn't shut his mouth.

"You have such a dirty little mouth. Too dirty for your pretty face," Harry said meh added another finger into Draco. Draco seemed stretched enough so he ejected his fingers from Draco's slick hole. He pulled his jeans off and boxers. He stroked it a few times just to die down the aching pain.

He slammed into Draco. Draco cried out in pleasure. Harry pinned down Draco's hands so, he couldn't touch himself.

"Harry!" Draco yelled. He was being thrust into brutally and he loved it. His body was forcefully being pushed up as Harry pounded into him, "Oh yes! Harry!"

"Is this what you wanted?" Harry asked in short pleasurable breaths.

"Oh oh oh- yes Harry, yes. Oh fuck!" Draco shouted. He wanted more, he needed more, "Harry- t-touch me."

"Touch you? I am," Harry said with a smirk. He slowed down his thrust which caused Draco to whine.

"Touch my cock! I need you to touch it," he groaned.

Harry chuckled and shook his head. "No."

Draco squirmed underneath Harry. "P-please!!! Daddy, touch me!"

Harry finally obliged and grabbed Draco's member, stroking it frantically as he sped up his brutal thrusts. Noises emitting from both boys including the sound of skin slapping against skin.

Draco didn't last long as he came, nails digging into Harry's back. The pain brining Harry to his own orgasm, filling Draco of his own deeply. The pants were heavy and Harry pulled out, collapsing on the bed next to Draco.

"You should have a dirty mouth every time," Harry chuckled breathlessly.

Draco smirked.

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