he's wrong

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"Draco Malfoy!" Lucius was throwing spells left and right to try and hurt his son. To Lucius, Draco was a disappointment. He was disgusting and wretched, all because he was... Gay.

"Come back here you bastard!" Lucius yelled. Draco didn't want to fight back. Too many things going through his head. He could barely concentrate on running away from his own father. He never wanted this, it was all a big mistake.

Draco turned around to face his father, "Why would you do this to your own son?"

Lucius stopped dead in his tracks and looked Draco dead in the eye. He smiled, a bitter laugh escaped his mouth. The disgusted expression in his face returned.

"You are no longer my son."

Draco's heart broke into a million pieces. He wanted to cry. He wanted to scream. So much emotional and mental pain radiating his body. He fell to his knees in defeat. To hear those words leave his own father, his own flesh and blood...was simply devastating.

"Looks at you. So weak. Crucio!"

Draco fell on the ground and screamed in pain. The blood curdling scream echoed, he was afraid someone would hear it. The pain died down to a simmer but, his whole body ached. Draco rose up to his feet. He looked beat and battered, everything was a mess.

"...Father," Draco begged.

Lucius didn't want to hear anymore of his useless pleas of mercy. Lucius rose his wand again and Crucioed Draco again. The same scream echoed, and it was music to Lucius's ears. His own son was begging for him to stop. But, he couldn't stop torturing his son. Draco deserved what ever he got to Lucius. Being gay was an abomination and absolutely wrong, completely disgusting.

Draco tried to stand up and failed. He fell back to his knees in agony. Therefore, he laid down on his side and rose his knees to his chest. He tried to pretend that his father wasn't there. That he was in his bed. But, the thought of his father watching him still stayed in the back of his mind.

"Get up, Draco."

Draco slowly got up, the pain of his bones and joints ached when he moved. Once, he stood firmly on his feet, his father smirked, "Do you know why are getting this?"

Draco nodded his head in understanding.

"You know you deserves this right?" Lucius asked.

Draco choked back down sobs, "I-I don't, father. I don't deserve t-this. Why can't you accept me?"

Lucius eyes widen and his mouth was slightly parted, "Accept you? How can anyone accept something like you?"

Tears spilled out of Draco's eyes but, no sound came out.

"Disgusting. Worse than a mudblood! Cruc-," before Lucius could finish the spell his wand was knocked out of his hand. He searched his area to see who could've done that. The person stepped into view.

"Potter!" Lucius said through gritted teeth.

Harry walked over to Draco's side and stepped in front of him. Draco scooted behind Harry further back.

"Mr. Malfoy," Harry said calmly, "Not so nice to see you again."

"What are you doing here?"

Harry straightened his posture, with his wand in his hand, "I heard screams."

Lucius growled under his breath. He tried to put on his best formal look. He faked smiled, walking closer to Harry that was still shielding Draco.

"Well, you have the wrong people, Potter. You were hearing something else," Lucius said with a fake tone.

Harry looked behind him and saw the state Draco was in. He looked like he has been through so much Hell these past couple of hours.

"I don't think I have the wrong people, Mr. Malfoy."

"Well, if you mind I was busy doing something."

Lucius tried to get Draco but, Harry blocked him from getting near Draco. Lucius got frustrated and backed away. Draco cowered behind Harry. Why would Harry even protect him? He wasn't worth protecting. But yet, he still stayed behind Harry, quite thankful that he did get here.

"If I may ask, why are you doing this to Draco in the first place?" Harry asked.

Lucius laughed while shaking his frantically, "He's a disgusting, vile creature. He's gay."

Harry cocked an eyebrow, "Gay?" So you're doing this because...he likes boys?"

Lucius nodded his head.

Harry put his wand away and turned to face Draco. Draco was confused, he was worried that Harry was taking his fathers side. Instead, Harry grabbed Draco's hand and used his other hand to wrap around Draco's waist. Then, Harry kissed Draco. Right in front of Lucius.

Lucius watched it horror as his son started to kiss Harry back. His blood boiled and he couldn't think straight but, he couldn't take his eyes away from the sight. He watched as Harry leaned in further to kiss Draco harder. He wanted to vomit from the wretched sight. He saw their tongues touch in the kiss and Lucius had to close his eyes.

Harry broke from the kiss and looked at Draco who he smiled at then, he turned his head to the surprised and shocked Lucius.

"Your son is a very good kisser," Harry said with a sly smirk.

Lucius drew at his wand but, Harry accioed his wand before Lucius could even get the spell to form on his tongue. Lucius was shocked when his wand flew out of his hand right and into Harry's. Then they were gone. Draco and Harry vanished out of Lucius sight. Lucius screamed in anger and turned around with a swish of his cloak he started to walk back to the Malfoy Manor.

Harry and Draco appeared at the front entrance of Hogwarts. Draco looked at Harry, "Thank you."

"No need to thank me. Come on, let's get you to the Hospital Wing."

Draco held back so he didn't move when Harry tried to pull him in the Castle.

"Wait," Draco spoke up.

Harry turned around, "What is it?"

"Where did the idea to kiss me right in front of my father come from?"

Harry sighed deeply, "It just seemed like the best idea for the current situation. Plus, I've always wanted to kiss you."

Draco's eyes widen and he looked at Harry with longing eyes, "What?"

Harry chuckled and wrapped his arms around Draco and whispered in his ear, "We can talk about this later. First, let's go to the Wing. You're hurt pretty badly. "

For the first time in a long time, Draco smiled and he followed Harry into Hogwarts.

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