kiss me?

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"I-I never kissed a boy before," Draco stuttered as he was fumbling with the hem of his sleeve. Now in eighth year the Slytherins and Gryffindor eight years share a dorm. Harry and Draco got paired up in a room together. Ever since they've gotten together, they've actually are getting to know each other better. It's been a month or so and Draco has became friends with Harry.

Currently they were sitting in their beds in their own room. Talking about who've they kissed. Draco said he had kissed Pansy, and another girl Astoria. Harry confessed that he had kissed Cho and Ginny. And surprisingly, Dean. Then, Harry asked if Draco has kissed a boy before. Draco instantly became nervous.

"I'm taking that as a no?" Harry asked.

"I mean, yeah. Kissing another boy has never crossed my mind...until now," Draco replied. He shifted on his bed carefully.

"I could show you," Harry said.

Draco's head darted up, looking at Harry's face, "What do you mean?"

Harry chuckled, "I could show you what it's like to kiss a boy. It's no different from kissing a girl except, it's a boy. It's the same feel and everything except you know you're kissing a boy. So, mentally it feels completely different, not physically though."

Draco swallowed. He was oddly curious. And to be kissing Harry Potter? Very interesting indeed. He nodded slowly looking in Harry's direction.

Harry got off his bed and walked over to Draco's on the other side of the bed. Harry sat next to Draco cautiously.

"You can back out of this, if you want," Harry reminded Draco.

Draco shook his head, "No, I want to try. Just kiss me, Potter."

Harry put his index finger under Draco's chin. Lifted his head up slightly. Draco became speechless when he saw Harry lean in. He was prepared to kiss Harry Potter. And he was going to kiss back.

The pair of another boys lips settled on his own. Draco instantly became stiff at the new feeling. Harry started to kiss him slow, wanting Draco to relax. Draco felt Harry's arm muscles move and Draco thought it was sexy as hell.

Therefore, he kissed back. The feel of Harry's lips tangling with his own was...erotic and passionate. Although, this didn't feel like a regular kiss, even if it was with a boy. Something inside him felt tingly. Unsure of this feeling, he ignored it and parted from Harry's kiss.

Harry didn't want to stop kissing Draco because according to Harry that was the best kiss he's ever had. Emotionally and physically.

"How was it?" Harry asked.

"It was...different. But, to be honest I enjoyed it," Draco answered.

Harry smiled.

"It was probably the best kiss I've ever had," Draco confessed, refusing to look into Harry's emerald eyes.

Harry's smiled faded and he became more serious, "What do you mean?"

Draco shrugged his shoulders, "I don't know. Just, like, I felt something inside me feel about it was going to explode. Is that normal?"

Harry's eyes widen. Did Draco have sudden feelings for Harry?

"Can I kiss you again?" Harry asked.

Draco nodded. Harry leaned again, kissing Draco more passionately than before. Draco's breath hitched at the new sensation than the last kiss. He wrapped his arms around Harry's neck and Harry put his hands on Draco's hips.

"Do you still feel 'different'?" Harry asked once they were slightly parted but, could still feel each other's breaths.

Draco nodded, he bit his lip. His arms still around Harry's neck. He gently played with the strands of hair on Harry's neck.

"Do you mind if we go further?" Harry asked.

Draco shook his head, "N-no." His heart was beating rapidly. The air around him suddenly became very hot. He wondered if Harry felt this too.

Harry leaned in again but, instead of kissing his lips, he kissed behind Draco's ear. Draco gasped at the new feeling. He closed his eyes as Harry licked and kissed the area. His arms tightened around Harry's neck. He felt the pair of lips travel down to his neck.

Harry moved his shirt to reveal Draco's shoulder and collarbone. He instantly bit down, hoping to make a hickey. Successfully made, he licked the sensitive skin around the love bite.

Draco withered and held back moans in his throat. He oddly enjoyed being touched by a man than a woman. The feeling of being submissive to Harry made his heart pound faster.

"H-Harry," Draco stuttered.

Harry drew his head up, looking at the perfectly visible bite he made, "Yes?"

"Why are you doing this?"

Harry scooted closer, "You said you felt different with me," he toyed with Draco's fingers that were settled between the two, "I was just marking you as mine."

Draco looked surprised, "Yours?"

"Yes, mine. Only if you agree," Harry said.

Draco instantly knew what his answer would be. He's never felt like this before. Could it be true that he had feelings for Harry? Obviously. Draco grabbed Harry's hand and intertwined their fingers together.

"I'm yours."

Harry smiled and kissed Draco again. That night, Draco slept with Harry in their bed. Harry wrapped his arms around Draco, lovingly and protectively. Draco couldn't help but, melt into his embrace. Because he was Harry's now. He kissed a boy and he liked it.

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