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"Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy! Detention, both of you in my office after dinner," Snape exclaimed at the two boys who just got into a serious almost fist fight. Both glared at each other with disgust and hatred. Draco nodded at Professor Snape and went back to his dorm. Harry just growled, and left the sight without another word being said. Neither wanted to meet again after dinner. But, neither wanted to face the consequences of not showing for detention.

Draco skipped dinner, anticipating for tonight. Harry on the other hand went to dinner. He sat with his friends and had a seemingly good time, although he was dreading about what came after the fair-full night. Sometimes, Harry just wished he knew what Malfoy's problem was all the time. At the same time, Malfoy probably wondered what Harry's problem was. Or maybe not? Harry didn't have damn clue.

Harry left the Great Hall, saying his goodbyes to his friends and telling Ron that he would be entering late. It was barbaric that Harry had to be up late because of Malfoy's wretched attitude. He couldn't help, but blame himself too in this situation.

Harry made his way into the dungeon, to the Potions class. Draco already stood, leaning against a table, waiting. Harry said nothing except he moved to the opposite side of the room, waiting for Snape's commands. A few seconds of waiting, Snape hurried into the room with darkness aura falling behind him.

"Today's punishment will not be as bad as you think. Since I don't have anything planned, you both will just be staying here for the next four hours. That's all. You may talk, if you must. But, I will leave you alone. I have things to attend. I will come back, releasing you both afterwards. Good day," and Snape turned around with a swish of his cloak and locked the Potions door so that he could only open it.

Harry was beyond upset. Four hours with Malfoy, alone?! It seemed impossible. Snape didn't even give them a chore which, Harry would gladly receive if it didn't mean so much awkwardness between the two. 

Draco was the first to speak up, " I wouldn't be stuck here if it wasn't for you."

"Me? You're the one who started all this," Harry snarled. He clutched the desk with his fist, so he wouldn't haul off and punch him.

"I usually do, don't I?"

"You can't keep your snarky comments to yourself," Harry said. He took a few small steps closer to Draco, but they were still a good distance away from each other.

Draco turned around so, he was leaning on the table with his bum and his hands were behind him resting on the table as well.

"And you can't control yourself," Draco stated with a smirk.

Harry fast walking over to Draco, grabbed a hold of his wrist and pinned them down on the table they were already resting on. Harry was leaning over him, both now face to face.

"Yes, maybe I can't control myself at times. You know, sometimes I think you like me being out of control?"

Draco gulped. He's never seen this side of Harry before. And for him to be right in Draco's face? With him unable to move in Harry's grip? His throat went dry and his palms began to sweat.

"What's the matter, Draco? Did I catch you off guard?" Harry asked. Draco could feel his hot breath on his neck.

"Can you get off me?" Draco asked, ignoring Harry's questions.

Thankfully, Harry did release him. Although, Draco squealed a little bit when he felt Harry's hands on his hips being raised higher and placed on the table he was originally leaning on.

"Potter!" He squeaked.

Harry chuckled, "You're kind of cute when you're flushed."

What is Harry doing? Draco thought. He couldn't help but, look at Harry with a confused expression. He needed to continue this so he could use it against Harry later.

"Potter," Draco warned.

Harry didn't listen to Draco, he just kept doing what he was doing. He didn't know why or where this sudden urge of dominance over Draco came from. But, he sort of liked it odd enough. Draco was sitting on the table so, Harry hopped on too with a graceful motion. One of his knees was in between of Draco's legs. Harry hovered over him and Draco laid down on his back to get away from Harry, but it made him more trapped. Both of Harry's knees were now both on the table.

"Harry? What are you doing?" Draco asked in vulnerability

"You said I can't control myself. I'll show you what can happenwhen I can't control myself." Harry said. He grasped Draco's collar of his shirt and pulled him up.

Draco's breath was cut short when he felt a pair of lips on his own. He couldn't deny that those lips were the best ones he's ever felt in his life. But, it was still Harry Potter's lips. He didn't move his lips when he actually realized that Harry was kissing him. Instead he shoved Harry off of him and got off the table.

"What is your problem?" Draco asked walking over to a different side of the room.

Before he could even take a few steps, Harry already wrapped an arm around Draco's waist pulling him back. Both were standing up, with Draco's back against Harry's chest.

His touch is unbelievable, Draco though at the feeling of Harry's arm around him. Draco would've never even think about these things about The Chosen One if he wasn't attracted to him. So, that answers Draco's eternal question about his sexuality. But, why Harry out of all people?

"Let me go," Draco said, struggling in Harry's tight grip around his waist.

"I don't think I will," Harry chuckled, "Let me ask you something. Do you like it when I touch you?"

The question caught Draco off guard and he stumbled for his words, "N-no."
He never was that good at lying, he cursed himself for it too.

Harry swung the blonde around and pushed him up against the wall. Harry put his hands on either side Draco's head.

"Very convincing," Harry said. He collapsed his lips with Draco's once more. This time it was gently and lovingly. Draco gave up on trying to fight the kiss. He kissed back slowly and it was by far the most amazing kiss he's ever had. There was no tongue, Harry just wanted to taste and feel Draco's lips.

Their lips gliding with one another in elegance. Draco was too enchanted to notice that Snape was back.

Snape coughed for them to notice that he was back. Harry and Draco quickly parted and turned their head in Snape's direction. Draco was embarrassed to say the least. Harry held no emotion or that's what it looked like. Harry dropped his arms to his side so, that Draco could move.

"You may go," Snape said. Neither hesitated to leave the room. When they left Snape stood in the same place going over about what he just witnessed.


Harry and Draco were in the corridors alone. So about to part ways for the night.

"Just because Snape knows something is up, doesn't mean that I'm going to stop with you."

Harry said nothing more and left Draco standing in the vacant hall. Harry was pleased to say the least. He was definitely not saying anything to Ron and Hermione. He stepped into the portrait hole and went straight up to bed.

Draco stood in the hall for a few minutes before his mind went straight to the things that could happen. He hurriedly went back to the Slytherin dorm.

Everybody seemed to be asleep when Draco got there so, he went to take a shower. He turned on the shower, stepping in the warm water. His muscles eased as the coolness hit his skin. The thoughts of today zoomed in the back of his mind.

Harry. Harry pinning me down. Harry kissing me hard. Harry wrapping a muscular arm around me. Harry kissing me again- oh fuck.

Draco suddenly got aroused. His cock becoming more and more hard by each thought. Since everyone was asleep he decided to deal with his little problem. He leaned his back against the shower wall and grasp his hard dick. He stroked the head at first going into one of his little fantasies. All he could think of was Harry. Pumping himself faster he thought of Harry's lips kissing every inch of his body. That brought him quickly to his orgasm. He cleaned up the mess he made in the shower. He washed himself again before heading to bed

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