Chapter 5

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When Percy and Albus hopped into a thestral-drawn carriage after the long ride to Hogwarts, Percy was sure that he would see her. All through the train ride, he'd walked up and down the  long train hoping to find the carriage that girl would be sitting in. No matter how he'd peered into the crowded train cars, he never even caught a glimpse of her chocolate brown hair.

So, on the ride over to the large castle that housed the School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, Percy was disappointed when he never saw her. 

"Percy, stop daydreaming." Rose reached across Albus to poke him. 

"Leave him alone Rose." Albus said, "he's in looove."

They giggled as Percy replied, "I'm not in love! I'm just...curious."

"Someone who's just curious doesn't look all over for her when they don't even know her name." Rose said.

Percy rolled his eyes, his ears slowly turning red. 

"Who's in love?" 

On the other side of the carriage sat Percy's sort-of friends, Lorcan and Lysander Scmander. 

"Percy is." Rose laughed. "With a girl he doesn't even know."

"Shut up! I'm not in love!"

The twins snickered. 

"Don't be shy." Lorcan said with a smirk.

"Yeah, maybe it'll be another Professor Chase." Lysander said.

Percy groaned. 

Everyone remembered when, during Percy's fifth year, he and the Transfiguration Professor Annabeth Chase had a fling. It hadn't lasted long because, despite their best efforts to keep it secret, the school's loudmouth, Leo Valdez, had walked in on them snogging. The Hufflepuff hadn't meant any harm, but soon 'Percabeth' had made the school headlines. 

He and Annabeth had decided to call it off, and she had become Professor Chase to him again. 

Percy would never live it down. 

"What does she look like?" Albus asked. "Maybe we can help unite the two of you."

"She's a little shorter than me, and she has dark chocolate hair and the most beautiful eyes that just change color." Percy smiled slightly as he recalled their meeting in Diagon alley. "She looks maybe half Native American."

Lorcan and Lysander exchanged looks. 

"I don't think I've met anyone like that." Rose frowned, and Albus shook his head in agreement.

"You don't mean Piper do you?" Lorcan asked.

"Who?" Percy asked. 

"Piper McLean." Lysander said. "The only nice Slytherin."

"You know her?" Percy asked.

"Yeah, we know her real well." Lorcan answered. "She's a good friend of ours."

"Really?" Percy asked. "Do you think you could - well - introduce me?"

"That depends." Lysader said. "What are your intentions with her?"

"I just want to get to know her, that's it." Percy promised.

"I hope you realize." Lorcan said. "That is you ever even think about doing something to upset her, or to make her cry, we will find you, and we will hurt you." 

"I just want to be her friend."Percy insisted. "I promise."

"We'll bring her to the library after dinner tonight." Lysander said after a moment of silent communication between the brothers. "Don't make this another Professor Chase."

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