Chapter 8

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Piper thought that she had long since experienced everything weird that would happen to her at Hogwarts. However, being attacked by a dead girl had taken the cake. 

Madam Pomfrey had insisted on checking Piper over to make sure that no serious damage had been done. She ended up proscribing Piper a sweet drink called nectar to take away the soreness Piper felt in her  throat. 

When Piper walked out of the infirmary, she found someone waiting for her.

Percy Jackson.

"Hey," He scrambled up from his position sitting against the wall. "How are you?"

"Okay." She responded. "Why are you here?"

"I wanted to make sure you were okay. We all did actually, but Leo and the twins got caught trying to sneak in to see you and are currently being lectured at by Professor Chase, and Albus had to go attend to his prefect duties." Percy said.

"Oh." Piper said. "Well I'm fine, so it's okay if you want to go now."

Percy shrugged. They lapsed into silence. 

"I think the new Headmaster is going to want to talk to you." Percy said.

"Probably." Piper replied. "Did you recognize the girl?"

"The dead girl?" Percy asked. "No, did you?"

"She was a Slytherin first year." Piper said. "I sat near her at dinner tonight."

"Gods." Percy muttered. "Do you think it's another basilisk thing?"

Piper shrugged. "No clue.

Horse hooves sounded down the hall. Piper turned in time to see the new headmaster galloping towards them.

"Miss McLean." He said as he stopped next to them. "I believe we have things to discuss."

The 7th Year ---- (Percy Jackson/Harry Potter fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now