5: "Just Trying to Find My Room"

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After another day or so, Alana is finally beginning to be herself again, no longer confused or helpless, so Hodge allows her to leave the infirmary.
Alana wanders about, exploring the many halls of the Institute. Many of the sunlit hallways are empty, giving Alana time to think about how quickly her life had changed. One minute, she walked the deserted streets of London, and the next she found herself surrounded by a completely new world than what she had known, a world without her family.
"Charlotte.." She whispers, memories of Charlotte and Henry, Will, Jem, and Tessa flashing across her mind, all of the memories she had done her best to suppress when she was welcomed into the New York Institute.
A sudden wave of homesickness consumes her, and she leans against the windowsill, tears beginning to slide down her face.
Alana shuffles down the hallway, trying to find her room that the Lightwoods had put her in upon her arrival.
'Which one was it' Alana thinks, groaning to herself that all of the doors looked the same. With tears clouding her vision, she opens the third door she comes to, only to find Alec moving about the room, shirtless. He looks over at the door.
"Alana." Alec says, finally finding and pulling on a clean shirt, and running his hand through his hair.
"I-I'm sorry. I was trying to find my room again." She hurriedly apologizes.
"It's fine." Alec assures her, and coming closer, he acknowledges the tears on her cheeks.
"Alana, are you alright? Are you hurt?" He inquires, and Alana shakes her head.
"I'm not hurt, physically anyway. It's more.. I miss my family, I guess." Alana responds, and Alec gives her a small smile.
"I understand that, my parents are practically always in Idris."
"At least your family isn't in another century though, Alec." Alana states, looking up at Alec. He brings his hand up to cup her cheek, brushing the remaining tears from her face with his thumb. Alec leans closer, Alana leaning towards him. Their lips are nearly touching, and for a moment, it seems as if Alana is going to get what she has been wishing for since she awoke and saw Alec sitting next to her.
That moment, however, is interrupted as a sharp knock sounds on the door before it swings open.
"Alec, I-" Isabelle begins, a smile spreading across her face when she realizes that Alana is standing right in front of Alec, his face burning a bright red as he takes a small step back.
"What do you want, Isabelle?" Alec asks, clearing his throat.
"I was just coming to let you know that I ordered Chinese food for dinner, and that it's here.. You may continue now." Isabelle teases, but Alec and Alana follow her from the room, walking towards the kitchen, their faces red. Jace's expression turns to one of surprise when he sees his parabatai walking alongside Alana, then to a smirk. Clary nudges Jace, and he looks away.
"So." He says, as Alec and Alana sit down.
"Jace, leave them alone." Isabelle smiles, giving her brother a you're welcome look.

Alana walks along a deserted street, the wind cutting through her satin gown as she moves quickly to get out of the cold. She shivers, her hands rubbing her arms.
Up ahead, someone calls her name. Alec. He's dressed in what looks to be a suit, and Alana picks her skirt up as she runs to him.
"You look beautiful, Alana." Alec states, and Alana smiles.
"What are we so dressed up for?" She asks.
"The celebration, of course." Alec responds, Alana nodding.
"Right." She says, still confused, but before he can respond, Alec gasps, clutching his side. Alana looks down, only to see that blood is pouring through his fingers.
"Alec?" Alana asks, and he falls to the ground. She automatically kneels next to him, pulling him onto her lap.
"Alana, I..." He begins to say, but stops, the light fading from his eyes.
"Alec! Alec, no!" Alana screams, but he's gone.

Alec is lying awake in his room, unable to sleep, when he hears shouting from down the hall. He tries to ignore it for a moment, thinking that it's Izzy ranting about something, or maybe Clary yelling, but then it clicks as he sits up straight.
It's Alana that's shouting.
He's off of the bed and across the room in the blink of an eye, hurriedly tugging a shirt over his head as he throws open the door. Alec is down the hallway in an instant, and he reluctantly opens the door of Alana's bedroom, slightly afraid of what might be waiting for him on the other side.
But to his surprise, it's only Alana in the room, shouting a name in her sleep.
In fact, it's his name that Alana is shouting.

*Hm. I loved writing this chapter. And I love writing Chapter 6, which will be up in a few days.
That near-kiss though, am I right? 😉
Until then*
By the way, credits to Tumblr for the images 😍

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