10: "It's been too long."

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The rumble of thunder the next morning wakes Alana from her sleep. She finds herself sprawled across Alec, and it takes a moment for her to realize that they are practically fully undressed. The only thing still on them is their underthings. Alec is still asleep, Alana letting him be as she thinks about the night before.
She remembers the dress, and being at the party briefly. She remembers pulling Alec into the room, and his lips trailing down her neck.
Did we? She questions herself, just as another rumble of thunder shakes the house.
Alec rolls, facing Alana as his eyes open.
"Morning." He mumbles with a smile. Alana smiles back, moving Alec's hair out of his face with her hand.
"Um.. Alec, did we.." She trails off, and Alec laughs.
"No." He responds, leaning up and pressing a kiss to her lips. Alana frowns, but returns his kiss.
"Well... Why ever not?" She asks, and Alec sighs.
"We were going to, Alana, and believe me, I wanted to. We were both a little... Tipsy? And I didn't want you to regret it. Besides, I would rather us be somewhere we know." He responds.
"I wouldn't have regretted it. I trust you, Alec." Alana states, and Alec gives her another kiss.
"I know you do." He whispers.
To Alana, it's nice to see that Alec isn't just focused on finding Valentine, for once. But that moment quickly passes when voices are heard downstairs.
"We need to be getting down there." Alec says, flipping the covers back and standing up, his normal self returning. Alana slips from the bed, hunting around for the gear she had arrived in.
She finds her clothes folded on a chair beside the door, Alec's laying with it. The dress she had worn the previous night is nowhere to be found, and the only thing of Alec's borrowed outfit that remains is the blazer.
"Should we be concerned?" Alana asks, pulling her gear on, and Alec shakes his head.
"No, I guess not." He responds, pulling on his own clothes. The two of them walk downstairs, finding Kathleen and Syril in the kitchen.
"We've found Magnus Bane, as we said we would." Kathleen states, Alec and Alana exchanging a glance.
"Well, great. Where is he?" Alana questions, and Kathleen sighs.
"Magnus is currently in London." She states, causing Alana's eyes to widen.
"He is there on a short visit to the warlock Tessa Gray-" Kathleen says, and with a short murmured excuse, Alana slips from the room.
She hears Alec apologize and his footsteps following after her as she walks out onto the back veranda. Alana stops at the railing, looking out at the storm clouds and the lightning.
"Alana, are you alright?" Alec asks quietly, and Alana turns to him.
"I didn't know that Tessa was still alive." Alana responds, and Alec nods.
"She's been a great help before, Mom and Dad have asked for her assistance on a few occasions." Alec says. Alana watches the storm for a moment.
"Tessa was one of my closest friends in the London Institute, she and Jem Carstairs... That is, until not too long before I fell through the Portal." She finally states, and Alec looks to her.
"What do you mean?"
"Jem became a Silent Brother in order to live. Poor Tessa was devastated... She and Jem had been engaged to marry before he became a Silent Brother, but when the drug his body depended on became deadly, he turned to becoming one of the Brothers." Alana explains, and Alec's expression seems to soften before returning to seriousness.
"Kathleen will allow us to use the Portal here, to get to London and find Magnus." Alec states, turning to walk inside, Alana reluctantly following behind. Kathleen and Syril are waiting for them, and Kathleen points at a large screen, upon which is displayed an image of a beautiful house.
"What's this?" Alana asks, gesturing to it.
"Tessa Gray's London house. Now, just keep this in mind as you go through that Portal." Kathleen explains. Alec puts his hand on Kathleen's shoulder briefly.
"Thank you for helping us." He says, and she smiles as she opens the Portal.
Alec and Alana step through the glittering opening, keeping their hands locked together as they fall.
Upon their landing, Alana is surprised that she doesn't land harshly, as she had before.
They make their way up to the front door, Alana pausing at the bottom of the steps.
"Are you alright?" Alec asks.
"Yes.. Just nervous." She responds, climbing the steps as Alec knocks.
"Just a minute!" A muffled voice calls from the other side, and a split second later the front door opens. Tessa's hair is in a long braid that is draped over her shoulder, and she is wearing jeans and an old t-shirt.
"How can I-" Tessa asks as she looks to who is standing in front of her door.
"Alec, what a lovely surprise. Magnus told me you might-" She states as Alec steps aside, revealing her old friend. Tessa's face turns from a smile to a look of shock as she takes a step forward.
"Alana..." She whispers, and Alana smiles.
"It's been too long, Tess." Alana responds, and Tessa ushers Alec and Alana into her home.

*I'm sorry this update is a few days overdue. My internet was down, and I couldn't get on Wattpad for a few days. I know this update is kind of short, but the next one will hopefully be longer. 😁➰

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